Loren Pechtel
That's interesting and probably true.
Do you or anybody have a tool to measure when ISP throttling is
occuring? The links Paul provided were not clear about any tool you
can download. The only tool I have is a freeware utility called
BitMeter that simply tracks, in a rough average every hour, your bit
rates d/l and upload in MB/s every hour. I want more tools with
instant real time abilities. I also, for programming purposes, have a
packet sniffer called Fiddler, but it's a bit too granular (it gives
you for example the bit stream packets in Hex coming in or going out).
I wrote a little program to try to trace where the bottlenecks were
occuring and found that when it was acting up the failures were right
at the start but random. I would get a nice bunch of green (typical
ping times) and then it would go mostly black (response lost) for a
while then back to green. Red (delayed response) basically never
occurred once it stabilized.
It doesn't attempt to maintain an open connection with anyone,
though--it's strictly a matter of graphing the results of multiple