Please Help!!!

well i'm glad you're starting to look at the cooling!

Also, I know you're getting lots of suggestions here and I'm sure it's a lot of hassle to have to try all of them but you aren't telling us clearly what is the result after trying each thing...instead you're asking us a whole load more questions. To really solve this thing, you may well have to take drastic action, but make sure you try ONE THING AT A TIME!! If you make several changes at once, and your system improves, you won't know what the problem was.

Mucks and Ian have both made suggestions that are worth checking...first, if the cooling doesn't sort it, then if you can try a different Motherboard, then simply change that and nothing else. If the system shows any change, then that may well be the problem.

After reading the thread carefully, i would suggest that your problem (or one of them) may be your hard drive...especially if it's not even being recognised sometimes and asking for a boot disk. you say you don't know what brand it is? Have you tried booting from a floppy disk and running some diagnostics like scandisk to check it? This is simple and takes only a short time. I would scan the data on the drive and the physical surface of the drive if i were you.

Ian's suggestion may sound a little drastic, but I would recommend it if the mobo and hard drive are not easily identified as the problem. A full reformat and reinstall of the basic OS first, then see if the system runs normally. if it does, then you should install one game and test see at what point it fails or slows everything down.
I know i have been asking lots of questions but i have been trying most things but none of them so far has made a diffrence.

But i am fixing some of the problems, i took of my cpu fan and it was full of dust so i cleaned it and my temerature is staying down. I also sorted out the airflow by trying to conseal all the cables i might by some of those thiner cables at the moment i have got the big white ones.

Me and my brother spent most of last night formating it and installing the op again during which we encounted lots of problems but we are getting less and less problems. So hoperfully we should be back up and running soon. we are still installing because my brother had to work today and he did not want me to do it by myself just in case i did somethink wrong but he is back so we are working on it again.

I will keep u up to date with everythink

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me during this problem and thank you to pcreview:bow:
Well i spoke to soon my p.c has not completly gone:angry:

it was going so well but i think i new what the problem is. i think it is the hard drive my brother gave me a reson i did not understand what he said so i will try and explain it to you

''a needle inside the drive is scratching somethink inside which is making it mlufuction''

I do not know what this means but it a reson so i will probley get a new hard drive. I have looked at a Maxtor DiamondMax Plus8 40GB - OEM this will cost me about £45 is this a good make and price it is from

its your memory your asrock board is fine just change memory for another and it will work ive had same board and problem and fixed it now running perfect for long time
I have same MB (K7VT2) & picked up a 1GB DDR stick for it.
Big mistake!! It is a high density stick, the bios dose not support
this. Still trying to find out if there is a bios upgrade I can use.
Dose anybody know of one??
Dont do what I did & find out the hard way, Buy a decent product not a cheep one.