I have a pc AMD 2000+ (home built) that will not power on. It powers
on but no post, no beep codes just cpu fan, power supply fan and hard
disk comes on. I believe it;s the CPU because when the problem
happeed there was alot of dust across the top of the heat-sink
completely covering the top restricting flow of air to the heat-sink.
Since there are no beeps, no post, no video and the dirty heat sink,
I'm guessing the cpu. Can anyone offer any advice? I don't want to
waste money replacing the cpu and I have no known good cpu's or
motherboards for this cpu.
If life seems jolly rotten
There's spmething you've forgotten
and thats to laugh and smile and dance and sing!
on but no post, no beep codes just cpu fan, power supply fan and hard
disk comes on. I believe it;s the CPU because when the problem
happeed there was alot of dust across the top of the heat-sink
completely covering the top restricting flow of air to the heat-sink.
Since there are no beeps, no post, no video and the dirty heat sink,
I'm guessing the cpu. Can anyone offer any advice? I don't want to
waste money replacing the cpu and I have no known good cpu's or
motherboards for this cpu.
If life seems jolly rotten
There's spmething you've forgotten
and thats to laugh and smile and dance and sing!