actually i can prove algebraically that 1 + 1 != 2 AND that 1 != 1...just to
spite the teachers.
| * "Cor" <
[email protected]> scripsit:
| >> Even if people here can read it, they don't understand the content
| >> *shock*.
| >
| > Maybe they do, but they don't agree with it, that is the hard thing
| > progress and when you want to go in the inovation business, will be
| > confronted with many times.
| I remember the teacher at school telling us:
| 1 + 1 = 2
| Most people agreed. Those who didn't agree left the school or got a bad
| mark. It was their choice to learn or to stay stupid.
| > And sometimes you will see, that you're the one who took the wrong
| > conclussion and did learn from it.
| "Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto."
| (Cicero, Terenz)
| > This last I said without any connection to the topic now, because in
| > topic I don't think there is a right or wrong.

| --
| Herfried K. Wagner
| MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET
| <>