Susan Bugher
Susan Bugher wrote:
Ok, looks good. I will add some notes, especially on ZeBeDee and how I have
it implemented. I also will be testing SFTP soon (I hopeand will add
appropriately as that gets ready for primetime.
Easy decision, I will do it. However, being in the Army I am unsure of my
status regards movement overseas- so if I get the order to move I may not be
able to after all... <1/2g>
SOP around here.

minute changes of plan.
Not a problem so far. If it becomes so I'll post about it here and put
notice up on the wiki. btw, email
pricelesswareCD(at)redleg.privacyport.com if anything comes up or the 2005
CD gets finished.
Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the addie. I emailed my contact info to you.