I'll take the sun and the moon now, the stars tomorrow. ;-)
An interesting and different approach to presenting Pricelessware
A few small suggestions to polish an already quite well-done site:
Emphasize the subheading above the detailed entry. Perhaps make just
the subhead bold (e.g., xxx / yyy / <b>zzz</b>") or a larger font?
Currently the size of the download is considerably more prominent than
In fact the download size is more prominent than the title and author!
(To be fair, that may be because I'm moderately red/green colorblind --
but then so are a substantial minority of men and some women -- and
need new glasses). Perhaps the title (and version?) could be in a
slightly larger font and/or indented to the gutter below.
Alternatively, right justify the row titles so that the left justified
program title is more prominent. That also would be consistent with
your menu justification.
Some headings wrap to a second line. I find that distracting,
especially with the title/version combination. Wrapping also makes
copying and pasting the data into my download manager more difficult.
Perhaps the heading could become either just(?) the title/version (and
date?) or always two lines (e.g., title/version and date over size and
Also, is there really a reason to have the size be bold? I rather like
having the date be prominent but I suspect that may be just me.
Perhaps title/version and author over date and size?
"!!Direct Download!!" is misleading and the red excessive. Featuring
the name of the file as the link would be more useful. (This is also
where I would prefer to see the dl size but that is probably just me.)
Hmmm, now I can't find the link I thought led to a download page
instead of the download itself. Either way, I would prefer to see the
name of the file featured, especially for direct downloads.
I don't see a menu item for contact nor is it at the bottom of the
The menu on the left does not indicate which topic is currently being
Someone browsing might find either next/previous topic buttons or the
menus handy upon reaching the bottom of the page.
Nice sun. Now for the moon. I'll leave the stars (e.g.,
cross-referencing jv16 Powertools to Cleaner: Files and Registry) for
another day.
What do others think? Agreement? Brickbats? Either way,
congratulations are in order.
P.S. I hope this post has fewer grammar errors! (yAAWWn)
An interesting and different approach to presenting Pricelessware
A few small suggestions to polish an already quite well-done site:
Emphasize the subheading above the detailed entry. Perhaps make just
the subhead bold (e.g., xxx / yyy / <b>zzz</b>") or a larger font?
Currently the size of the download is considerably more prominent than
In fact the download size is more prominent than the title and author!
(To be fair, that may be because I'm moderately red/green colorblind --
but then so are a substantial minority of men and some women -- and
need new glasses). Perhaps the title (and version?) could be in a
slightly larger font and/or indented to the gutter below.
Alternatively, right justify the row titles so that the left justified
program title is more prominent. That also would be consistent with
your menu justification.
Some headings wrap to a second line. I find that distracting,
especially with the title/version combination. Wrapping also makes
copying and pasting the data into my download manager more difficult.
Perhaps the heading could become either just(?) the title/version (and
date?) or always two lines (e.g., title/version and date over size and
Also, is there really a reason to have the size be bold? I rather like
having the date be prominent but I suspect that may be just me.
Perhaps title/version and author over date and size?
"!!Direct Download!!" is misleading and the red excessive. Featuring
the name of the file as the link would be more useful. (This is also
where I would prefer to see the dl size but that is probably just me.)
Hmmm, now I can't find the link I thought led to a download page
instead of the download itself. Either way, I would prefer to see the
name of the file featured, especially for direct downloads.
I don't see a menu item for contact nor is it at the bottom of the
The menu on the left does not indicate which topic is currently being
Someone browsing might find either next/previous topic buttons or the
menus handy upon reaching the bottom of the page.
Nice sun. Now for the moon. I'll leave the stars (e.g.,
cross-referencing jv16 Powertools to Cleaner: Files and Registry) for
another day.
What do others think? Agreement? Brickbats? Either way,
congratulations are in order.
P.S. I hope this post has fewer grammar errors! (yAAWWn)