Susan Bugher
Ben said:How detailed a debate does any one want to engage just to dispose of a
Microsoft product, which shares equal merit against any other program in
its classification?
Come on now Ben. You should know better than that. This debate is about
legality, not the sins of MS. The anti-MS crowd is not shy about
speaking their minds - they don't need a pretext to hide behind.
FWIW - this is my take on the subject.
System *requirements* and legal *prohibitions* are very different
animals. A EULA that *restricts* the use of the software is a whole
nother thing from a statement that says "we think you need this OS to
run the app sucessfully".
You are allowed to use Freeware on any system. A Freeware author may
advise you that WIN XP is required for satisfactory operation. He does
not prohibit you from running the app on WIN 3x or Linux or Unix - in
fact, he would probably be delighted if you were sucessful in doing so.
I intend to vote against OE on the ware ballot. I imagine your vote will
cancel out mine.
