Spacey Spade
Okay, I'm feeling incrediby dense today, but let's walk through it.
This year, we had separate voting threads for Graphics, File Utilities,
Next year, you're proposing one "megathread" where all categories are
The voting for PL 2004 did have all the categories combined... were
there not progams from all categories placed in the same vote?
During the vote, you remove all programs you don't wish to vote for.
The only reason you have CesarFTP listed without a category assigned is
because people didn't agree to have an FTP server category??? No
category = niche program???
Let's say that the nominator nominated CesarFTP and gave the category
FTP Server for it. So we only have one category for CesarFTP. The
category was in the example I posted: the reason you don't see it is
because you snipped the other part. The other part had the category
"FtpServer". The other part, the categories, would be in the same post
as the voting for the programs.
Some programs fulfill more than one category because they are
multipurpose... the nominator for XnView, for example, may nominate
XnView as a Graphics Viewer and Graphics Converter. During the vote, a
voter could vote for XnView as a graphics converter (they use XnView's
nConvert... ok, lousy example, but let's proceed), but not as a Graphics
Viewer. Thus parts of this voters vote would read:
This tells me that this person does not use XnView as a Graphics Editor
or as a Graphics Viewer. Other people may vote for it as a Graphics
Viewer and Editor, but not this person. Lets say that of the 100 people
who voted, 87 use a GraphicsViewer. Lets say that 24 people voted for
XnViewAsGraphicsViewer. Survey Says: 24 out of 87 people who use a
graphics viewer think that XnView is the best graphics viewer. With a
percentage score of 24/87 = 28%, XnViewAsGraphicsViewer does not make
the cut into the Niche Pricelessware, but it DOES make it into the
popular vote and Pricelessware page.
After the vote, the programs with categories asssigned are analyzed for
inclusion in the main PW list. The programs that don't have a category
assigned are analyzed for inclusion in a separate Niche page?? The
criteria would be more generous for the niche programs...fewer votes
required to keep them in.
If 8 people vote that they use an FtpServer, and of those 8, 6 voted for
CesarFTP, then CesarFTP has a score of 75%. Let's say the group decides
on a cutoff point of 60%. CesarFTP didn't make the popular vote, but it
did make the Niche Pricelessware page.
Is that what you're trying to say, or am I way off?![]()
I'm not sure.