Sietse Fliege
omega said:(*Yet I do often truly enjoy some of the "alternative grammars" that
are in wide use here.)
We exist but to serve.
omega said:(*Yet I do often truly enjoy some of the "alternative grammars" that
are in wide use here.)
(*Yet I do often truly enjoy some of the "alternative grammars" that
are in wide use here.)
Bjorn Simonsen said:omega wrote in <[email protected]>:
Thank you - for complimenting on my English (on request - I admit.
As long as we understand each other. Btw: I'm sure if we switched to
my native tongue - I would find your grammar somewhat entertaining
too. But I am also sure you would not hold it against me if I did,
same way I don't hold it against you.Anyway, nice dancing with
you, but now, back on topic - shall we ...(else we better find a room,
I mean a chat-room of course <g>)
omega wrote in said:If you don't want to prolong this into "chatty OT," I understand.
Btw, I don't know what your mother language is. I have wondered about your
first name. ACF at one point recently was up to three Bjorns... And before
that time, I'd never even known one Bjorn....
Bjoern Randulf 'BeAr' Ederson said:<BG>
To the OP:
'ACK' is very common slang / acronym in German Usenet and has the meaning
of (as Bjorn Simonsen already pointed out) ACKnowledged (= 'I agree'). The
opposite is NACK as in Not ACKnowleged (= 'I disagree').
I've taken notes, and at my next nerds' cocktail party, I look forward to
showing off. My last remembered update in geeking my vocab was switching
to the word maroon, and I'm past due for a real upgrade.
Thanks, Bjoern (s) !