Jim Scott
|Jim Scott <[email protected]>:
|> (e-mail address removed) says...
|> |Max Quordlepleen wrote:
|> |
|> |> Well, I'm sorry, Tiger, but I've already stated my opinion, and that
|> |> ends the matter. I have spoken, and all that remains for you to do is
|> |> admit your total wrongness, promise never to disagree with me ever
|> |> again, and buy me a year's supply of Twinkies.
|> |
|> |I believe this demand is known as the Twinkie *offense*.
|> |
|> Er, what's a Twinkie?
|A U.S. sucrose-based edible, which has been causally connected with
|committing crimes.
Thank you.
You can carry on now
Tyneside - Top right of England
To email me directly:
miss out the X from my reply address
Visit http://freespace.virgin.net/mr.jimscott
|> (e-mail address removed) says...
|> |Max Quordlepleen wrote:
|> |
|> |> Well, I'm sorry, Tiger, but I've already stated my opinion, and that
|> |> ends the matter. I have spoken, and all that remains for you to do is
|> |> admit your total wrongness, promise never to disagree with me ever
|> |> again, and buy me a year's supply of Twinkies.
|> |
|> |I believe this demand is known as the Twinkie *offense*.

|> |
|> Er, what's a Twinkie?
|A U.S. sucrose-based edible, which has been causally connected with
|committing crimes.
Thank you.
You can carry on now

Tyneside - Top right of England
To email me directly:
miss out the X from my reply address
Visit http://freespace.virgin.net/mr.jimscott