[PL] 2004 New Nominations

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date
In alt.comp.freeware, on 03 Nov 2003, Susan Bugher announced:
Nominations are now open for the the 2004 Pricelessware

Hi ppls,

I would like to nominate the following program:

Name: Webmon
Category: INTERNET: 2 URL: Bookmarks-Favorites
Ware-Type: Freeware
Author: Colin Markwell
Current Version: Version 1.0.9 (Released 27th October 2003)
Brief Description: A freeware web page update monitoring
Description: WebMon is a freeware web page update monitoring
program - it saves you time and keeps you updated by
automatically checking web pages to see if they have changed.

Some of its features include:

* Checking an unlimited number of web pages.
* Scheduling automatic checking at set intervals.
* Optional pop-up alerts and sounds when updates are found.
* Running other programs when updates are found.
* Selecting which part of the web page to check.
* Update logging.
* Proxy support, with authentication.
* Unintrusive tray icon when minimised.
* Importing IE favorites and Netscape bookmarks.
* Help system - simply press F1 at any time.
* Simple installation and removal.
* Freeware, with no advertising or spyware.

URL: http://www.btinternet.com/~markwell/webmon/
Direct download link:
Size: 756kb
Authors email (no spaces): colinmarkwell @ btinternet.com


Program: VCool 1.8 b10a
Author's Site: http://vcool.occludo.net
Category: System Utilities/ Coolers
Works on Win XP, as well as on Win 98
Reduces cpu temps at idle on VIA chipset motherboards.
On XP, the temp drop is between 7 and 10 C at idle
Monitors temps and fan speeds, displays in system tray
Dennis Roark

(e-mail address removed)
Starting Points:
Nominations are now open for the the 2004 Pricelessware list.

I would like to nominate "Zip 2 Secure Exe"
URL: http://www.zip-compression.com/self-extracting-exe.asp

Categories: File Utilities|Archives-Unzip & Security|Encryption Tool

"ZIP 2 Secure EXE" is a utility program that creates self-extracting ZIP
files for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Self-extracting ZIP files are
executable programs (EXEs) that contain a ZIP file and the software
necessary to unzip the contents. Users can unzip the contents of a
self-extracting ZIP simply by running it like any other program. No other
software is needed.

Up to 256-bit Strong AES Encryption. It can safely encrypt the contents of
your ZIP file with 128, 192, or 256-bit AES Encryption. To unzip, a user
must provide the same password that was used when creating the
self-extracting EXE. AES encryption is much stronger than standard ZIP
encryption, which is regarded by security experts as being unsecure.


The biggest cause of trouble in the world today is that the stupid people are
so sure about things and the intelligent folks are so full of doubts.

-- Bertrand Russell
Security: Encryption tool

AxCrypt 1.4.3 (296kb) http://axcrypt.sourceforge.net/

Author's notes: AxCrypt is free and easy to use open source strong
file encryption for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP, integrated with Windows
Explorer. Encrypt, compress, decrypt, wipe, view and edit with a few
mouse clicks. Cryptographic primitives are AES-128 and SHA-1.

Encrypted files have a ".axx" extension added to their names, and are
shown with a new icon.
To encrypt a file, right-click it in Windows Explorer and select
'AxCrypt | Encrypt'.
To edit or view an encrypted file - just double-click it.
To decrypt, right-click and select 'AxCrypt | Decrypt' instead.
No configuration is necessary. Run the installer, and AxCrypt is ready
to use.
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian or Swedish will be used for
messages and dialogues depending on the language of the system.
Documentation (this document) and installation scripts are in English.

Comments: This is the most reliable and effective encryption program
I've tried, and it is easy to use. But when done working with your
encrypted files, you need to remember to right click and select 'clear
passphrase memory' to make your file inaccessible again.

Ware type: Freeware
Languages: English
DirHTML (Freeware) OS: Win 95/98/NT/2000. dirhtml is XHTML compliant.
Dirhtml creates index.html files from a directory list using the GUI or command line, optionally including HTML code of your own design at any point in the generated file. With dirhtml, your index.html files can be unique and arbitrarily complex. With dirhtml, your index pages can have: a title a background image custom link colors meta-tags styles perl or javascripts anything else you can write using HTML
Author: Eric Nitzsche, Home Page: http://home.pacbell.net/nitzsche/dirhtml.html
Download (version 4.5 235kb - no installer)
Download (version 4.5 486kb with installer)
(desc. rev.: x)

Le 09 Nov 2003 03:45:46 GMT said:
Name: Webmon
Category: INTERNET: 2 URL: Bookmarks-Favorites
Ware-Type: Freeware
Author: Colin Markwell
Current Version: Version 1.0.9 (Released 27th October 2003)

category- Desktop

I would like to nominate MouseTool

"Ergonomic Mouse Software

MouseTool is the free award winning program that clicks the mouse for

Carpal tunnel syndrome. Tendonitis. Who'd have thought that those tiny
little mouse buttons could ruin your life?


Clicks and drags the mouse

Works with any mouse, trackball, or other pointing thingy
Sends Left-, Double-, or Right clicks
Knows which of these to send into which window
Can be controlled by hotkeys you define
Versions available for Windows and Linux
Is free, but with a suggested donation to a charity of your choice"

I don't need it everyday, but it works!
Susan Bugher wrote in said:
Nominations are now open for the the 2004 Pricelessware list.

I'd like to nominate the following HTML splitter. Handy utility for
web-authors, and for anyone who ave converted very large files from
another format to html - and need to split the resulting html files
for faster/easier loading/reading.

Program: HTML Splitter
Category: WEB DESIGN /? [suggest general "html-util" subcat]
Cross-ref: FILE UTILITIES /FileSplitter
Ware Type: Freeware
Home page: <http://www.rekenwonder.com/htmlsplitter.htm>

Description [from home page - suggest using only first paragraph]:

HTML Splitter 1.4 (787 kB - Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) is a free
utility that helps you put large documents on the Internet (or into
HTML format). This is done by splitting each document into smaller
HTML documents, and by linking these documents together.

A lot of documents are asking to be published on the Internet.
But when large documents are directly converted to the HTML format,
the resulting pages are not easy to read. Reading them goes with a lot
of scrolling.

Therefore, it would be better to split them up.

You can do this by hand, but wouldn't it be nice to let your computer
do it for you?

This is now possible, using the HTML Splitter program.

Each file will contain links to the previous file and to the next
It is also possible to add a "You are here" link on top of each page.
At the same time, an index file is created, named myfile000.htm, with
links to all the other files.

HTML Splitter divides the document starting from header styles <H1>,
<H2> and <H3>.

HTML Splitter can split documents created with:
- Word XP (aka 2002)
- Word 2000
- WordPro Millennium
- Frontpage Express
However, this list is not exclusive.
HTML Splitter is freeware.


All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Sorry about that heres the descripotions for the programs I nominated:
(Also sorry for the rash copy'n'paste method for the description, I just
want to get a general description from their perspective websites, and
hope they will be better described later, including catagories)
1 4a Rename

What is 1-4a Rename?
A file renamer which renames many files at once
Has Undo
You can preview changes instantly, thus no danger
Now with STAR TREK stardate/startime
Tons of functions (see features).
Perfect for .jpg, .mp3, digital camera files...
Works in networks and with subdirectories (recursiverly)
Fast! Even with many files
It's free
4T Tray Minimizer

Minimize to tray MS Outlook, MS Internet Explorer and any other
4t Tray Minimizer lets you running applications minimized as System Tray
icons, which helps in adjusting free space on your taskbar. To minimize
any application to the task bar, simply left click the minimize button
as usual or press keyboard shortcut. You can configure 4t Tray Minimizer
to automatically hide/restore specific applications by pressing specific
keyboard shortcuts. (Free version right under buy version)
Altavista Toolbar

The AltaVista Toolbar is free, customizable and gives you the research
tools to perform searches and translations from your browser anywhere on
the web.
Ant Movie Catalog (I use this for VHS, DVD, and Video Game Cataloging)

Ant Movie Catalog is a freeware program made to manage your collection
of movies DVD, CD (VideoCD, DivX, ...) and tapes.

CamStudio is the ideal tool for you to quickly create AVI based software

CamStudio records all screen activity into the standard AVI format,
which can be played back with Windows Media Player and many other third
party tools that support the AVI format.

It's Free!
And best of all - it's free! Why spend money to buy a screen-recording
tool when you can start using CamStudio today - completely free of charge!
Cobian Backup

Cobian Backup is a multi-threaded program you can use to backup your
files and directories from their original location to other
directories/drives in the same computer or other computer in your
network. Now you can altso backup to a FTP server. Cobian Backup exists
in two different versions: application and service. The program uses
very few resources and can be running on the background on your system,
checking your backup schedule and executing your backups when necessary.
EF Commander

"EF Commander Free for Windows is a file manager for the Windows desktop.
If you've ever used and liked Norton Commander, you'll like this
dual-windowed program.Multilingual."

Registry Backup and Restore for Windows NT/2000/XP
Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/XP
Free PDF by Stefan Heinz

FreePDF saves files as pdf format.

FreePDF is a graphic interface for GhostScript starting from version
7.00. FreePDF is Freeware and for Windows.

- PostScript files by doubleclick converting
- manufactures pdf file as a check open
- complete automatic operational sequence from printing to the pdf document
- configurable in quality classes, pdf versions Acrobat of 3 to 6 etc..
- supports a publishing of Interleaf and/or. Quicksilver.

Again since version 1.1Beta4:
- several documents to an individual pdf convert.
FTP Genius from the ZipGenius Package
JB Cat

JBCat is a disk catalog program. It creates snapshot files of drives or
directories that are stored in a text file catalog. Files in the
catalogs can be searched using an advanced search algorithme: It uses
regular expressions.
Mozilla Calendar Plugin
MsDVR 2000

MsDVR 2000 is an easy-to-use software, and provides or leverages
functionalities to benefit users from recording TV shows and movies
using personal computers and installed TV Cards. Scheduling events is
very simple and intuitive from the User Interface or from external
Electronic Program Guide (EPG) applications. It leverages the widely
used Windows Media Encoder 7.1 (Freeware) that allows you to watch your
favorite TV shows and movies with your laptop/notebook computer or
PocketPC from anywhere, anytime.
On-Line TV

onlineTV is far more than only a Mediaplayer - onlineTV is a Multimedia
Player ! Over the intuitive surface you have access to different media
as users, e.g. more on more as 280 Tv and radio station, more as 100
Webcam servers, than 50 direct newspaper on the left of and and and...
Otaku Mascot

A novelty Windows sitter, able to design your own simply or download
other folks have created. Window sitters can move and make noise.

SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected
computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You
can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes
radio telescope data.

SETI Spy for SETI@Home

A small program to report progress and performance of the SETI@home client.
Simple Copier

SimpleCopier lets you :
Adjust brightness, contrast, hue, sepia, etc.
Copy in B&W - greyscale or colour
Preview the copy
Reduce or Increase the copy
Select a specific part and only print it's area
Print a selection on entire page (Zoom)
Save and load images in many formats
Set up your own language file
English & French (Français) included
(NOTE : other languages are no longer included, they must be downloaded
on this site. Please send me up to date translations if you want them to
be available)
Edit the picture with a coloured eraser
Send the copy by email
Queue pictures for mass printing
Rotate the copy in many ways
Use your scanner buttons
And more...
The GodFather MP3 Tag Editor

Do you own .mp3 files ? How about .ogg, .mpc or .ape files ? Do you
have a lot of them ?
If yes, then you probably already know that it is easier to create a
chaotic budge of files with strange names and in wrong locations than to
have a clean and nice collection where every file is where it is
supposed to be, with a perfect name and Tag information.
Sounds like the truth... don't worry The GodFather is here to put order
to chaos and put you in control.No more strange file names and endless
search for "that song"!.Rename,update Tags,restructure files on hard
disk, create/merge play lists,encode-decode with LAME/Ogg Vorbis/MpcEnc,
export/import to/from file, play, use freedb.org & allmusic.com... with
ease of use and perfect results every time.

Finally it is about time to rest assure that you will find the files you
want to listen to instantly.Stop struggling, sit back, and enjoy your
favorite music.
URL Base Personal Edition

URLBase 5.1 is a powerful and easy to use internet shortcut manager.
URLBase 5.1 provides a wide range of functionality, aimed to give you
full control of your favorite websites, whether you're a novice or an

You can import, export and synchronize your links from browser to
browser all through a powerful easy to use interface. Options to export
your links to HTML format or send your link collection by e-mail make it
easy to publicize or share your links on the Internet. Management
utilities including the ability to validate links and check for
duplicates allow you to keep your links accurate and up to date. The
interface can be customized and automated to meet your personal preferences.

WinPatrol with Scotty the Windows Watch Dog will sniff out Worms,
Adware, Spyware, Cookies, Trojan horses and other virus type, malicious,
nasty programs that may attack your computer. WinPatrol puts you back in
control of your computer with no need for constant updates.

WinPatrol's goal is to help you better understand what programs are
running on your computer, and alert you to any new programs added
without your permission. Scotty lets you confirm any new programs set up
to run on your computer.
Zip Installer

Have you ever downloaded several archives from the internet - extract
one after another, execute batch files and insert registry files. And do
this over and over again ??

ZIP installer is the solution. Just create a small ini file, which is
like a batch file and you have only to insert the installation path when
you want to install it

Optimal, when the data is burned on a CD and should be installed from
All possible packers are supported:
pkunzip, unrar and unace are already included in the download.
PS - Does anyone have a working link for Zip Installer as this one above
now does not work, and it did only last week??
I hope others will check out the above links as well, who knows maybe
they will get seconds.

Sorry about that heres the descripotions for the programs I nominated:
(Also sorry for the rash copy'n'paste method for the description, I just
want to get a general description from their perspective websites, and
hope they will be better described later, including catagories)
Ant Movie Catalog (I use this for VHS, DVD, and Video Game Cataloging)

Ant Movie Catalog is a freeware program made to manage your collection
of movies DVD, CD (VideoCD, DivX, ...) and tapes.
Zip Installer

Have you ever downloaded several archives from the internet - extract
one after another, execute batch files and insert registry files. And do
this over and over again ??

ZIP installer is the solution. Just create a small ini file, which is
like a batch file and you have only to insert the installation path when
you want to install it

second the above


The biggest cause of trouble in the world today is that the stupid people are
so sure about things and the intelligent folks are so full of doubts.

-- Bertrand Russell
Nominations are now open for the the 2004 Pricelessware list.

Program: Monitor Off
Category: System Utilities
Sub-Cat: Monitor
WareType: Open Source
HomePage: http://users.iafrica.com/d/da/dalen/monoff.htm
Descript: A simple program that switches the monitor into power saving
mode if possible. Creates an icon on the desktop that can be used to
immediately switch to power saving mode. Includes a feature to enable
the program only during certain hours of the day, which enables this
program in conjunction with the Windows Startup menu to switch the
computer into power saving mode automatically when it starts up, but
only during certain hours of the day.
Nominations are now open for the the 2004 Pricelessware list.

Program: Monitor Off
Category: System Utilities
Sub-Cat: Monitor
WareType: Open Source
HomePage: http://users.iafrica.com/d/da/dalen/monoff.htm
Descript: A simple program that switches the monitor into power saving
mode if possible. Creates an icon on the desktop that can be used to
immediately switch to power saving mode. Includes a feature to enable
the program only during certain hours of the day, which enables this
program in conjunction with the Windows Startup menu to switch the
computer into power saving mode automatically when it starts up, but
only during certain hours of the day.
Program Name - Exifer Ver 2.1.5
Catagory - Graphics
Homepage - http://www.exifer.friedemann.info/
Operating Systems - Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Ware Type - Postcard


Supports EXIF (up to 2.2) and IPTC data in JPEG and TIFF files
Reading and displaying of makernotes by Canon, Casio, Fuji, Minolta, Nikon
and Olympus
Backing up, restoring and comparing metadata (EXIF/IPTC)
Editing of metadata (for JPEG files only)
Inserting EXIF data from THM files (for JPEG files only)
Creating/inserting/rotating EXIF thumbnails (for JPEG files only)
Customizeable view of metadata
Export/import of metadata (CSV, Canto Cumulus, descript.ion files)
Renaming and redating with various formats
Lossless rotation (for JPEG files only)
Cropping (with aspect ratio)
Supports English and German language
Runs under Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP (runs not under Windows 95)
Program Name - Oubliette Ver1.9.2
Catagory - Security / Password Manager
Homepage - http://www.tranglos.com/free/index.html
Operating Systems - Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000 and XP.
Ware Type - Freeware

Major features:

# One-click add or edit account
# Quickly access any account from a drop-down box or using an Explorer-
like list interface
# Copy or drag-and-drop passphrase (or other information) to clipboard
Passphrases copied to clipboard are protected from being captured by
clipboard extenders
# Place program icon in system tray
# Ability to fill HTML forms in web browsers (Username and Password
# Easy operation with either keyboard or mouse
# Add notes and memos to each account
# Highlighted, clickable hyperlinks in memos
# QuickFind toolbar and other flexible search tools
# Ability to sort accounts by several criteria
# Automatically save and backup the password file
# Automatically hide account information if the program has not been used
for a specified period of time. (Optionally minimize program and/or
unload the password file)
# Ability to merge password files
# Ability to launch web browser or email client using URL information
stored in an account
# Passphrases and usernames may be obscured with asterisks in any view
they are displayed
# Random passphrase generator with configurable character weights or
based on user-defined templates
# Option to automatically clear clipboard after a predefined period
(protects passwords from being snooped after having been copied to
# Group accounts in configurable categories (both names and icons can be
# Powerful search
# Maintain expiry dates for passwords
# Export to a variety of formats (plain text, HTML, comma-separated
values or Windows INI file). When exporting to plain text or HTML,
Oubliete can use a user-defined template to format the output precisely
as desired.
# Import account data from files generated by other password managers
Encrypt or decrypt arbitrary external files
# Configurable activation hotkey to bring the program window to front
after it was minimized to the system tray
# Modern, sleek interface
# "Balloon tips" provide notification about important events without
interrupting your work
# Automatic installation and deinstallation
# Help file included.