Susan Bugher wrote in said:
quote from another thread:
It's in the main voting thread *for the record* - but you make a good
point - so here's an additional announcement:
Thank you, but how many will see/read the special ballot when it is
posted as a follow-up to a message in the General discussion thread?
IMHO same reasoning applies; some or most readers of this group will
probably not browse or read every follow-up in this general discussion
thread, particularly not after the main vote. A separate message - a
new thread - with the appropriate subject (as in your first
announcement) will probably stand a better chance of catching peoples
attention. This is what I was asking. If you post a new fresh post,
not a follow-up to a previous message, there will be no "References"
headers pointing to an existing thread, and so the message will appear
as the first message of a new thread (no matter any sort order
override invoked on the client side of it).
I am sure you will manage to catch any votes - if any - that surface
outside of a new thread - as replies to either of the two announcement
you've already posted.
All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen