"pictures could not be found" in forwarded email

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rick
  • Start date Start date
Norton Antivirus 2008 (and earlier) is among the top three troublemakers
for Windows Mail. Symptoms often don't surface until several months have
gone by, or until an update occurs. Disabling its email scanning (a good
first step), may not be sufficient, and even disabling it altogether may
not have the desired result. The only true test is to uninstall Norton,
followed by using their debris removal tool:

Several users here have reported that Symantec will give you a free
upgrade to Norton Antivirus 2009, which cures the problem. Contact
Symantec via online chat.

Instead of uninstalling your antivirus, another option is to upgrade to
Windows Live Mail, which is more resistant to the adverse effects of overly
intrusive antivirus products: http://get.live.com/wlmail/overview
Can you tell by the size of the message whether the picture is
included? A message with only text will have a size of 2-5 KB.
A message with one picture is likely to be larger than 10 KB.
It also helps to look at the raw source code of that message.
Press Ctrl+F3, and you should see a long series of random
characters if anything other than text is there.

Note: It is customary in these newsgroups to quote the message
one is replying to. It helps with continuity.
There's definitely a good-sized attachment present.
You've tried every possible fix, so I've run out of ideas as to
what else to try. When you send a picture to yourself, it
displays correctly, which would indicate that your Windows Mail
is working properly. It is as though there is something about
the forwarding process that seems to corrupt embedded pictures.
I have tried all the suggestions re: Tools, Options, Security & Tools,
Options, Read in regard to being able to see images that are Red xd. Up
until a few days ago, I could see almost any image that came in, but now I
can't. I even checked back on some I had gotten in last week and I couldn't
get the images there either when I could when I first received them. I just
did the Performance Check and may have changed something to activate Windows
Defender, but if I did, I can't find that it is active now. I've been using
Norton 360 successfully until now.
Also, in the same vein, but slightly different, my husband, as a different
user, on the same computer, cannot forward images and I can. He also cannot
get attachments and I can. I have gone back and checked everything I can and
cannot figure it out. Can you help? We would be eternally grateful.
Norton Antivirus is among the top three troublemakers for Windows Mail.
Symptoms often don't surface until several months have gone by, or until
an update occurs.
First, be sure to disable its email scanning, for the reason explained here:

Several users here have reported that Symantec may give you a free
upgrade to Norton Antivirus 2009, which cures the problem.

In a worst case scenario, you may have to uninstall Norton, followed by
using their debris removal tool:

Instead of uninstalling your antivirus, another option is to upgrade to
Windows Live Mail, which is more resistant to the adverse effects of overly
intrusive antivirus products: http://download.live.com/wlmail
Can you help me too please.. I have just sent a webpage by email and I got an
error message saying one or more pictures are not included. How do I fix this
Make sure attachments are enabled:
Tools, Options, Security, uncheck "Block images..." and also uncheck
"Do not allow attachments..."

Also go to Tools, Options, Send, Mail Sending Format, HTML Settings,
make sure "Send pictures with messages" is checked.
I'm having the same problem. I don't have the image open anywhere else. I've
followed your instructions in changing the options in "Tools." I still keep
getting the message, "One or more pictures cannot be found ...." What can I
do to be ab le to forward messages with pictures in them?
I have Vista also. I read your entire blog messages to no avail. Can you
please help me navigate the system to get this corrected (step-by-step)? I
sure appreciate your expertise to get this problem resolved. SuzeeBee
It is possible that your antivirus is preventing the forwarding of pictures.
Which antivirus are you running? Some of them are not fully compatible
with Windows Mail.
In the main screen of Windows Mail go to Tools, Safety Options, Security,
uncheck "Block images..." and also uncheck "Do not allow attachments..."

Also go to Tools, Options, Send, Mail Sending Format, HTML Settings,
make sure "Send pictures with messages" is checked.
Also, go to Tools, Options, Read, and uncheck "Read all
messages in plain text".
We are having the same problems here and it just started yesterday. Here is
what I've found to recreate the problem:

1. Create a new message.
2. Enter an addressee (yourself).
3. Enter a subject.
4. While the Subject field is still the active field, select Insert.
5. All but the "File Attachment" option should be ghosted.
6. Attach any picture.
7. Send the email.
8, Receive the email.
9. Open the email.
10. You should see the image display in the message body, but double-click
the filename in the Attachment field.
11. You should get the error.

Now, if you change Step 4 to click in the message body before you select
Insert, other options should be available for selection. If you "attach"
the same picture and send the email, you will now be able to double-click
the filename and view the picture.

Cheers, Dave
In the main screen of Windows Mail go to Tools, Safety Options, Security,
uncheck "Block images..." and also uncheck "Do not allow attachments..."

Also go to Tools, Options, Send, Mail Sending Format, HTML Settings,
make sure "Send pictures with messages" is checked.
Also, go to Tools, Options, Read, and uncheck "Read all
messages in plain text".
I've done everything you guys have suggested and I still get the 'pictures
can't be found' message. This is VERY frustrating. I didn't have this
problem with XP.
Rick said:
Fairly frequently, when I forward an email that contains an image, I get
this warning:

"One or more of the pictures in this message could not be found. When you
send this message the pictures will not be included. Are you sure you want
to send this message?"

Any idea why this is happening? Thanks.