Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)
I use the OE newsgroup solution offered by Outlook 2003.. I have it set to
see new posts first, and I flag all that I answer or where there is a desire
to see the outcome.. I clear all messages older than 5 days.. I have found
that after a 5 day period, many posts essentially die, and some within a 24
hour period..
It would drive me crazy if I had to scroll through untold amounts of old
posts before I found one of interest or that hadn't been done to death
already.. when I exit a newsgroup for another, all messages appear 'as read'
but as I flag important ones, this does not affect me finding them at some
later point in time..
There are many posts where only one person answers the call, and I do not
consider it ok to take it private because of that.. the essence of public
newsgroups is that questions and answers/solutions are visible to anybody..
All of the above I can control, and it works well for me..
However, I do not have control over how another user chooses to operate.. if
some choose to have huge lists of messages, mostly silent, then so be it..
if a user chooses to mark all 'read' messages to be hidden, then so be it..
the obvious problem with that is that they may only see part of the
threads.. not my problem..
I do have some people in a 'killfile' (message rule), but only because I do
not choose to see or reply to their output.. if I considered those people to
have anything decent to say, they would not be included in the file..
When looking at a problem, I read through every thread to get a grasp of
what has already been said and why.. it is so easy to misinterpret when
coming in half way.. it is easy enough to do that from the start given the
way that some people explain themselves..
This is the word..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user
I use the OE newsgroup solution offered by Outlook 2003.. I have it set to
see new posts first, and I flag all that I answer or where there is a desire
to see the outcome.. I clear all messages older than 5 days.. I have found
that after a 5 day period, many posts essentially die, and some within a 24
hour period..
It would drive me crazy if I had to scroll through untold amounts of old
posts before I found one of interest or that hadn't been done to death
already.. when I exit a newsgroup for another, all messages appear 'as read'
but as I flag important ones, this does not affect me finding them at some
later point in time..
There are many posts where only one person answers the call, and I do not
consider it ok to take it private because of that.. the essence of public
newsgroups is that questions and answers/solutions are visible to anybody..
All of the above I can control, and it works well for me..
However, I do not have control over how another user chooses to operate.. if
some choose to have huge lists of messages, mostly silent, then so be it..
if a user chooses to mark all 'read' messages to be hidden, then so be it..
the obvious problem with that is that they may only see part of the
threads.. not my problem..
I do have some people in a 'killfile' (message rule), but only because I do
not choose to see or reply to their output.. if I considered those people to
have anything decent to say, they would not be included in the file..
When looking at a problem, I read through every thread to get a grasp of
what has already been said and why.. it is so easy to misinterpret when
coming in half way.. it is easy enough to do that from the start given the
way that some people explain themselves..

This is the word..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user