Photolapse: jpg to avi conversion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ionizer
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| Yes, it works fine.

Good ....

| Yes, the notes/coin part is fine.

Good ....

For some reason I kept getting the lists wrong ....

| There are still two (different) minor points.
| Sometimes I might not want to print to file.
| Is it possible to make that an option eg.
| "display total" OR "print to file" ?

Yes ....

However, the fix for saving everything to a file
was quick and easy and I thought it might be
a decent solution to provide something actually usable
that could hold you over until I finish up ....

| Secondly, the first, "user" line, seems to me
| to be a waste of space/time.

In the version you have the field IS useless
and I forgot to remove the prompt for it
before posting ....

I included the user field for cases
where there might be more than one person
counting the bucks on different days
or perhaps different shifts in one day ....

| Thanks for the update.

You're welcome ....

I'm not finished yet, but I'm very busy at the moment
and will try and squeeze in another version as soon as
I can manage it ....

In addition to the individual count reports that you have now,
I'm adding a log file that will keep ALL the records
with the option to print reports from it, probably most often
accessed by beginning/ending date ....

These reports are where the user field might come in handy ....

And thanks to you for your patience
in enduring the development cycle
with a time-constrained developer ....