| The program you so kindly wrote is, as usual from you, excellent...
| but I want a quick/easy version that preferably has a template similar
| to my suggestion with a "clear input" and "calculate" and "print"
| option.
| I would prefer not to have to keep going to DOS to do things and
| I would prefer not to have to open a gigantic spreadsheet to run
| twelve lines of data.
| The ideal would be a GUI that could do the above and probably
| be about the size AND speed of Editpad.
| If I cannot get the above then I will, of course, be changing your
| code as I mentioned in an earlier post and using the revised
| version.
| In case you wonder why I prefer to avoid command line stuff it is
| because of my memory. I have a very hard time remembering
| filenames, commands and switches.
| With using your program I need to remember the name, the path, any
| switches etc. etc. With a windows program I just click a shortcut.
Cousin John ....
Thanks for the kind words ....
Sorry for the delay in responding,
but I've been very busy for the last
couple of weeks ....
I'm not sure if you got a copy of the revised version
that I posted which deals with AU_$ instead of US_$
and Notes instead of Bills ....
http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&[email protected]
As I'm getting older myself, I can definitely relate
to problems trying to remember details ....
One way I deal with it in the case of Python programs
is to make a shortcut to the program and stick
the shortcut somewhere handy, perhaps on the desktop
or somewhere convenient in the Start/Programs menu ....
The only problem in THIS particular case
is that the DOS window that is used
will close BEFORE you have a chance
to examine the output ....
Adding a 1-Line input request at the end of the program
will facillate this ....
if __name__ == '__main__' :
ri = raw_input( 'Press Enter to Finish' ) # Add This Line
I did manage a bit of time to work on the program some
this past weekend, adding some code for persistent storage
to save individual counts to date_time_stamped files,
and to save all count summaries to a log file,
but haven't finished it yet ....