Michael J. Mahon
JL4VIDEO said:Michael,
If I understand it correctly than this low pass filtering is what Microsoft
probably does to the pictures if one uses the standard profiles for DVD (both
PAL and NTSC).
I hope someday a Windows XP Registry geek would explain us how this
filtering is initiated by the structure/content of the profile's filename (it
surely isn't defined whitin the profile itself).
That would be interesting--and the fact that it exists instead
of being another specifiable profile attribute is a kludge.
You write that a better way to tackle the problem would be "proper digital
This is something I know nothing about, so could you probably give me a few
hints as to where I should start looking for information on this subject or
software to to the job.
Google "digital filtering" "low pass". In the case of images, we are
dealing with (at least) two dimensional filtering, and moving images
introduce another dimension (not important unless picture elements are
changing color/intensity rapidly from one frame to the next.
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