Susan Bugher said:
What if you want to see every photo of one person in the family?
Cataloguing software can show just those photos to you (if you have
taken the time to input that information). IMO these apps can be very
hello susan
yes, they might. but in my experience no-one keeps the catalog ordered and
updated in time
as for filenames, i wrote and put free on my site a simple vb app for single
and bulk renaming files. nothing that cant be done by hand, anyway.
i myself take photos every day, and as soon i take them off the cameras,
before any processing, i just name them with a "j" and the file date-time.
if names are an issue, i can include them in the filename:
j20040923-220000_john-susan.jpg. as john points out, a simple win search
will find the string 'john' or 'susan'. (i'm really surprised every time i
realize how people cant use the win+f utility...).
the only restriction, i seem to remember, is that path + filename must be
shorter than 255 chars in all.
on this laptop i only keep the pictures i most care. there's a c:\@rk
directory with, checked now, 1628 subfolders, containing pictures,
documents, links, web pages. person names are in folders, picture dates are
in files. it's very rare i cant find something i know i have saved somewher.
on the contrary these days i'm searching a specific printed portrait of 15
years ago and i'm giving up, having to browse in 4-5 big dusty boxes
of course others may find different naming/ordering/cataloguing systems more
useful. but i only thought of writing a dbms for pictures
#1 for building a dynamic site, asp or anything, with cross-links and all.
#2 for the scans of the library i work in, which are getting near to 150,000
and 300-400 gb of images which must be related to manuscripts and prints and
to their catalogs. i dont think this is a common situation, and i dont think
any commercial sw would do an efficient job. but i could very well be wrong.
an example i wont forget: in the early nineties i registered smartcat for
cataloguing the library floppies. i still have the db, but
#1 it's in a proprietary format, and i'm not sure i could export the data
#2 anyway i'd need to reinstall smartcat, built to run in win3, and i have
just finished of getting rid af all win9 machines...
now i catalog cd's and dvd's, very roughly, straightly in access, and wrote
a small vb rdbms to scan them, if needed. access is proprietary too, but can
export easily...
i wont allow anymore a program to become the owner of my data