Glenn Jarvis
Three words..... get a life!Tracker said:http://www.wordspy.com/words/phishing.asp
Computer users might want to check out this Website and learn one
simple way malicious hackers try to trap you into obtaining your private
information. Also, you can go to www.yahoo.com or www.google.com and
type in the word "phishing" and you eyes will be open to one way that
hackers want to obtain your private information.
You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then visit
my website at:
okay Im back,
No one calls it "phishing" More commonly its called Spoofing, or, my
personal preference, Cloning. Oh i cant be assed, youre just a retard.
"Johannes Niebach" <[email protected]>
Hackers head for home
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:44:09 -0500
<[email protected]>
With corporate systems becoming increasingly tough to crack, hackers will
focus on collecting the personal information of vulnerable home users in
2004, internet experts have warned.
Speaking in Sydney, AusCERT general manager Graham Ingram said the
increasingly prevalent "phishing" scams, which attempt to collect user
details via bulk emails and fake websites, would be joined by more types of
fraud as more criminals realised the potential of the internet and became
better at using it.
"Extortion and other types of traditional fraud will find their way onto the
internet," Mr Ingram said. Corporate users were becoming better at
combatting internet security problems, but this was not mirrored among home
users, he said.
"One of the great concerns that I have is the mums and dads," Mr Ingram
[ Read more ]
Regard: Joh@nnes ©
"If U know neither the enemy nor yourself,U will succumb in every battle"