Phishing - One Way Malicious Hackers Trap Innocent Victims

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tracker
  • Start date Start date

Computer users might want to check out this Website and learn one
simple way malicious hackers try to trap you into obtaining your private
information. Also, you can go to or and
type in the word "phishing" and you eyes will be open to one way that
hackers want to obtain your private information.

You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then visit
my website at:

buda bum bum bum..... another one thats absolute b------s


Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

I know I'm probably wrong, I just like taking part ;o)
Heather said:
Reporting her to her ISP is useless........she has had more of them than
I have had 'hot dinners'........but go for it, if you want. She keeps
getting reported, loses them and still keeps on coming back under fake


You know Heather, Tracker and "The Trackers" published an E-Book and we work
the system on the honor roll system. The only account which was canceled
was "Pandoras" and you can ask Crapper about it. You see, multiple members
are composed of my tracking team and we know how to work the system with
Internet Service Providers; oh do we. We also know how to work the system
with "credit cards". Our main goal is to help innocent victims secure their
Networks, Servers and Computers. We don't have to pay for an ISP and no
hacker has ever had to do so.

You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then visit
my website at:

But only of you want to be trapped by a shit for brains spammer
without a clue.


Any advice from a poster using the word 'tracker' may contain
dangerous nonsense and should be immediately deleted from your

Do NOT contact this person by email

Do NOT feed the Trolls, one warning is enough, further messages
only reinforce the desire for attention that provides motivation.

Visit the fan club at:
Tracker said:
Computer users might want to check out this Website and learn one
simple way malicious hackers try to trap you into obtaining your private
information. Also, you can go to or and
type in the word "phishing" and you eyes will be open to one way that
hackers want to obtain your private information.

You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then visit
my website at:


Damnit I have work, Ill be back to deal with you later


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".
You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then...

....DO NOT...
my website at:


(Quote from one who found just the right words)

The User by the name "Tracker" aka "Debbie", VPNSISHACKERSSECRET, aka
"snailmail" regularly posts incorrect, misleading and damaging information,
to rely on the advice of this person could result in irreparable damage to
your system. It is mypersonal advice not to listen to anything that this
person posts andcertainly to not attempt or believe anything this person

(End Quote)


Tocis (commoner AT carcosa DOT de)
For answers include HI-AK 523 in your email subject!
Tracker said:
Computer users might want to check out this Website and learn one
simple way malicious hackers try to trap you into obtaining your private
information. Also, you can go to or and
type in the word "phishing" and you eyes will be open to one way that
hackers want to obtain your private information.

You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then visit
my website at:


okay Im back,
No one calls it "phishing" More commonly its called Spoofing, or, my
preference, Cloning. Oh i cant be assed, youre just a retard.


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".
No one calls it "phishing" More commonly its called Spoofing, or, my
personal preference, Cloning......xxxxx

Hi Mimic.......this was crossposted to a lot of MS Windows news groups,
so I thought I had better warn you.......and them. (G) NOT EVER listen to this mentally deficient idiot that
calls herself Tracker. She drives us nuts on the security groups with
her BAD information......she is really nothing more than a spammer with
the IQ of a gnat!!

I trust that is clear.....grin!!

Tracker said:
Computer users might want to check out this Website and learn one
simple way malicious hackers try to trap you into obtaining your private
information. Also, you can go to or and
type in the word "phishing" and you eyes will be open to one way that
hackers want to obtain your private information.

You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then visit
my website at:


From: Tracker <"snailmail(valid)222000">
Subject: Phishing - One Way Malicious Hackers Trap Innocent Victims
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 22:35:20 -0800
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: 1075189233 25552546 ([211555])
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.77 [en]C-CCK-MCD (Win95; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
Reporting her to her ISP is useless........she has had more of them than
I have had 'hot dinners'........but go for it, if you want. She keeps
getting reported, loses them and still keeps on coming back under fake

Mimic said:
okay Im back,
No one calls it "phishing" More commonly its called Spoofing, or, my
personal preference, Cloning. Oh i cant be assed, youre just a retard.
"Johannes Niebach" <[email protected]>
Hackers head for home
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:44:09 -0500
<[email protected]>

With corporate systems becoming increasingly tough to crack, hackers will
focus on collecting the personal information of vulnerable home users in
2004, internet experts have warned.

Speaking in Sydney, AusCERT general manager Graham Ingram said the
increasingly prevalent "phishing" scams, which attempt to collect user
details via bulk emails and fake websites, would be joined by more types of
fraud as more criminals realised the potential of the internet and became
better at using it.

"Extortion and other types of traditional fraud will find their way onto the
internet," Mr Ingram said. Corporate users were becoming better at
combatting internet security problems, but this was not mirrored among home
users, he said.

"One of the great concerns that I have is the mums and dads," Mr Ingram

[ Read more ]

Regard: Joh@nnes ©
"If U know neither the enemy nor yourself,U will succumb in every battle"

Heather said:
Hi Mimic.......this was crossposted to a lot of MS Windows news groups,
so I thought I had better warn you.......and them. (G) NOT EVER listen to this mentally deficient idiot that
calls herself Tracker. She drives us nuts on the security groups with
her BAD information......she is really nothing more than a spammer with
the IQ of a gnat!!

I trust that is clear.....grin!!


Thanks for the warning, shes been plaguing us for years too (ACS) :P
She aint going away though and sometimes it shes good for some light relief,
eeeww no wait
you know what i mean


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".
Glenn Jarvis said:
Tracker said:
Computer users might want to check out this Website and learn one
simple way malicious hackers try to trap you into obtaining your private
information. Also, you can go to or and
type in the word "phishing" and you eyes will be open to one way that
hackers want to obtain your private information.

You want to learn about Computers, the Internet and Hacking then visit
my website at:


From: Tracker <"snailmail(valid)222000">
Subject: Phishing - One Way Malicious Hackers Trap Innocent Victims
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 22:35:20 -0800
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: 1075189233 25552546 ([211555])
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.77 [en]C-CCK-MCD (Win95; U)
X-Accept-Language: en

God that drives me insane, yes we can all read headers, if you have
something to say say it damnit


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".
We also know how to work the system
with "credit cards". We don't have to pay for an ISP and no
hacker has ever had to do so.

sounds like criminal fraud to me.

If you +really+ want to help people
please SHUT THE **** UP and stop
annnoying those who really do.
Tracker said:
Heather wrote:

You know Heather, Tracker and "The Trackers" published an E-Book and we work
the system on the honor roll system. The only account which was canceled
was "Pandoras" and you can ask Crapper about it. You see, multiple members
are composed of my tracking team and we know how to work the system with
Internet Service Providers; oh do we. We also know how to work the system
with "credit cards". Our main goal is to help innocent victims secure their
Networks, Servers and Computers. We don't have to pay for an ISP and no
hacker has ever had to do so.

If bullshit was music, you would be Lawrence Welk. Give it up fool.
Mimic wrote:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: 1075189233 25552546 ([211555])
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.77 [en]C-CCK-MCD (Win95; U)
X-Accept-Language: en

God that drives me insane, yes we can all read headers, if you have
something to say say it damnit

I replaced the mouse, does that help ? ;-)

Seriously though, sorry about that. I actually did try to reply,but
there was a quirk in mouse. It made doing anything else on this beast
difficult as well. Now, excuse me while I warm up with coffee, then I
will proceed to respond to the "it" posts. :)

was "Pandoras" and you can ask Crapper about it. You see, multiple

That's not 'Tracker', it's Yoda.

Tracker <"snailmail(valid) said:
You know Heather, Tracker and "The Trackers" published an E-Book and we work
the system on the honor roll system. The only account which was canceled
was "Pandoras" and you can ask Crapper about it. You see, multiple members
are composed of my tracking team and we know how to work the system with
Internet Service Providers; oh do we. We also know how to work the system
with "credit cards". Our main goal is to help innocent victims secure their
Networks, Servers and Computers. We don't have to pay for an ISP and no
hacker has ever had to do so.


Your group of people, all of them put together, doesn't have a clue. I
would venture a guess that "Debbie" didn't write the above as it's very
readable and she never writes anything but ramblings.

If you people want to be taken seriously then you need to write
something that makes sense. I put several snippets of your book on a
review site for Debbie and sent her all of the "constructive" feedback,
which she discounted and for which she didn't have the time to reply to.
I took my own time, own resources, even reformatted the crap she sent me
so that it would flow on the page, and she didn't have the decency to
listen to the very constructive feedback she was provided. Only one
person was rude, all of the feedback for the month I had the site up was
constructive. It was like pulling teeth to get any response from Debbie.

So, with that being said, and the complete lack of understanding
security that your team of "trackers" shows, we've asked nicely that you
all leave and take your non-book with you.

Every time you violate the TOS for your web space, ISP, etc... one of us
will bring it to the attention of your ISP/provider until you and you
people leave or until your people get a real understanding of what
security is/means and quit pushing your crap out to people that are not
helped by it.

By the way, you don't have an E-Book, you have at the most, 6 chapters
of ramblings - that was the most that Debbie has been able to show
anyone in 2 years.
You know Heather, Tracker and "The Trackers" published an E-Book and we work
the system on the honor roll system. The only account which was canceled
was "Pandoras" and you can ask Crapper about it. You see, multiple members
are composed of my tracking team and we know how to work the system with
Internet Service Providers; oh do we. We also know how to work the system
with "credit cards". Our main goal is to help innocent victims secure their
Networks, Servers and Computers. We don't have to pay for an ISP and no
hacker has ever had to do so.


Are you saying to SE credit card details out of people tracker ?
Im a hacker (apparently) and I pay for my ISP


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".
Glenn Jarvis said:
Mimic wrote:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: 1075189233 25552546 ([211555])
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.77 [en]C-CCK-MCD (Win95; U)
X-Accept-Language: en

God that drives me insane, yes we can all read headers, if you have
something to say say it damnit

I replaced the mouse, does that help ? ;-)

Seriously though, sorry about that. I actually did try to reply,but
there was a quirk in mouse. It made doing anything else on this beast
difficult as well. Now, excuse me while I warm up with coffee, then I
will proceed to respond to the "it" posts. :)


heh fair enough, I get the jerks sometimes too. Its just it everytime "it"
akes a post
someone decides to do nothign but post her headers.


ZGF0YWZsZXhAY2FubmFiaXNtYWlsLmNvbQ== ( )
"Without knowledge you have fear. With fear you create your own nightmares."
"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand Binary,
and those that dont."
"He who controls Google, controls the world".