Petrol Strike

at work we have very tight control over how you refuel & store fuels.
that said most of us are trained in the control, movement & refueling of vehicles etc.

but the average person on the street probably does not understand the danger's.
that's why sadly accidents like these happen, not helped by worries of fuel shortages!
People only think of petrol as a liquid. They forget (or don't know) that around every volume of liquid petrol is a huge volume of petrol vapour. And that's what causes all the accidents.

So, in one sense the American term "Gas" is much more appropriate. :)
People only think of petrol as a liquid. They forget (or don't know) that around every volume of liquid petrol is a huge volume of petrol vapour. And that's what causes all the accidents.

So, in one sense the American term "Gas" is much more appropriate. :)

A friend of mine used to drive petrol tankers and always siad he was more scarred to drive an empty tanker as the chances of it blowing up were much higher beacuase of the vapur in the tanks
:nod: That is correct Evan one of the ones that we feared if they were involved in a RTA sorry they call them RTC now, especialy if fire was involved. BIG BANG EXPECTED
No strikes before Easter.
So why are people STILL panic buying?
All 4 local petrol stations are now dry!
But still people queue just in case of a delivery!

Thursday unleaded sales were up 177% & diesel up 77%
Yesterday sales were up around 50% for both.

Only 2 winners in all this, the taxman & the fuel companies!
I notice that the neighbours of the lady who recently impersonated certain buddhist monks have been offered counselling. This strikes me as a little over the top and entirely unneccessary and Mr Flops wonders who foots the bill for the counsellors should any be requested for a shoulder to cry on.

I wasn't around at the time but to the best of the knowledge counsellors were not offered to major city citizens during WWII when many of their fellow citizens were blown to tiny pieces by Nazi bombing raids and them pesky doodlebugs.

Well-intentioned I suppose but Gor Blimey guvnor, what is the world coming to? as my grandparents were sometimes heard to utter.
I notice that the neighbours of the lady who recently impersonated certain buddhist monks have been offered counselling. This strikes me as a little over the top and entirely unneccessary and Mr Flops wonders who foots the bill for the counsellors should any be requested for a shoulder to cry on.

I wasn't around at the time but to the best of the knowledge counsellors were not offered to major city citizens during WWII when many of their fellow citizens were blown to tiny pieces by Nazi bombing raids and them pesky doodlebugs.

Well-intentioned I suppose but Gor Blimey guvnor, what is the world coming to? as my grandparents were sometimes heard to utter.

You will be happy to learn old chap that counselling is available free on the NHS for sufferers like your self. The government realises that their ineficient and sometimes crimminal way of governing the country causes a great deal of stress in the population.

Make your way down to the nearest stress centre,conveniently located in your nearest public house and you will be presented with a fifteen minute slot whereby you can discuss your concerns with the person behind the bar. Thoughtfully the government will provide a refreshing and healthy pint of Guinness to replenish the energy you will no doubt have expended in venting.

This service can only be used once a week. When the recession ends this will be available daily.

FBS my sister is a counsellor & i'm sure she would sit you down to talk if you wanted to?
Think her rate is £35per Hour but could get you a discount, probably!:wave:

But yes they seem to offer support to everyone involved these days.
Some need it, some dont just depends on how you take life etc.
Flops wonders who foots the bill for the counsellors should any be requested for a shoulder to cry on.

Like everything else, you and I do. ;)

Thoughtfully the government will provide a refreshing and healthy pint of Guinness

Really? In which pub does this happen? Certainly not in my local where there is this strange ritual where the customer reaches into his pocket and deposits some money into the barperson's hand. This money is never seen again.
I believe now the emergency services have counselors which are used by personnel after nasty incidents. In my day when we coming back from something that was a little harrowing there would be deathly silent then some one would crack a relay bad joke we would all laugh hysterically get back to the station open the bar have a few jars, discuss the job, close incident and then get on with our lives. I only know of a few guy's who were unable to cope and they left the job as things got on top of them. Personaly I would shut off mentaly do what I was trained to do, never spoke to my then wife or family about the incident except to say that had been a nasty one and then got on with life. We were were our own counselors the other guys on the watch. Now fire stations have been made to close their bars and from what people tell me it is not the same close knit society it was when I was in the job.
Really? In which pub does this happen? Certainly not in my local where there is this strange ritual where the customer reaches into his pocket and deposits some money into the barperson's hand. This money is never seen again.

No, really, it's true, Abarb speaks the truth and this is as good an occasion as any to remind you all that the moon is made of green cheese, the big rock candy mountain is just east of Bradford and is open from 08:00 to 18:00 every day except Christmas and that the human race never ever moan about anything and always sees the good side of everything.

You know it's true :)