Well me pesky mouse arrived.
Well packed in the manufacturers box.
It is slightly bigger than my present mouse.
Slides around really well on my glass Cyber Sniper mouse plate.
The metal wheel feels a little slippy when scrolling in that my finger tip is slipping a little on contact. The wheel has a smooth action and you can feel the steps as it clicks around. This should make weapon choosing easy and does not cause any problems when just scrolling. Middle click is short and light and feels great. On the Dominatrix my finger pad hit the wheel and stuck fast. I have got used to placing my finger tip on the wheel and then straightening and bending the finger so the wheel rolls along the finger. That is not possible with this mouse and I guess I will have to learn a new style of scrolling.
The cable is slim and braided and a tad stiff, it may loosen up with use and is definitely not as stiff as the old mouse cable.
There is no groove on the right side of the mouse for resting your two fingers in/on.There is a slight curve to the side but it is not deep enough and I now have a trailing little finger.I'll have to retrain my grip.
When trying to lift the mouse the right side is slightly slippy and so is the left but the left side has a slight lip. I use a light grip and this slippiness means the mouse drops out of my grip when lifting it. I tried tightening the grip but it still slips out. Not a great problem as I do not need to lift the mouse very high and keep it in the air for long.The slippiness of the rubbery coating is a bit disappointing as my old mouse has rubbery sections and your fingers stick like glue to them.
Two side buttons are ok and out of the way of normal thumb placement.Rear one perfectly placed for me as I just slightly roll my thumb to hit it. The front one is just slightly awkward to hit and I have to move my thumb quite a lot to use it. This is because of the extra buttons placement.
The extra button is perfectly placed for me and I can hit and hold it with just the tip of my thumb. It is not so sensative that you can accidentally activate it. I can see this button being a great help on FPS games for those head shots etc as it quick to activate and let go.
Can not say too much about the lights as it is daytime. Have not had time to check out the software side yet.
All in all the mouse looks smart. The bigger size is good. Button placement and use is good. Not so good is the slight slippyness and the lack of a lip on the left side and no place for my pinky and the dpi buttons too far back.
I'll see how I get on.