Hi, I wonder if someone could help me, I'm kind of at my wit's end with this.
Apologies for post length, I figured more detail upfront is better. Here's
the deal...
I got a new 32-bit Vista laptop, copied all the Outlook data over and
reinstalled Outlook (2002). I used Windows Update when prompted, which
patched me up to SP3. I opened all my old PST files that I use to sort /
store emails etc. So far so good.
Then I tried to import my old primary mailbox into the new mailbox on the
new install. It imported most of the old emails, sent items etc but then when
it got to Contacts, I got the Outlook security warning message: "A program is
trying to access email addresses... " and the options to allow access, Yes
or No. I clicked Yes, and the message pops up again. I click yes again.
Same thing. Short story, no matter what I do I can't clear this warning, it
just keeps popping up. This includes terminating the application through
Task manager, and rebooting. When I restart Outlook, it checks the PST files
that were not closed properly, then carries on trying to import the contacts,
and the warning pops up again.
I'd be very grateful if someone can advise how to stop Outlook from looping
like this, short of uninstalling and reinstalling and repatching (and I don't
even know whether THAT would work!) Thanks for ploughing through to the end,
and thanks in advance for your help!
Apologies for post length, I figured more detail upfront is better. Here's
the deal...
I got a new 32-bit Vista laptop, copied all the Outlook data over and
reinstalled Outlook (2002). I used Windows Update when prompted, which
patched me up to SP3. I opened all my old PST files that I use to sort /
store emails etc. So far so good.
Then I tried to import my old primary mailbox into the new mailbox on the
new install. It imported most of the old emails, sent items etc but then when
it got to Contacts, I got the Outlook security warning message: "A program is
trying to access email addresses... " and the options to allow access, Yes
or No. I clicked Yes, and the message pops up again. I click yes again.
Same thing. Short story, no matter what I do I can't clear this warning, it
just keeps popping up. This includes terminating the application through
Task manager, and rebooting. When I restart Outlook, it checks the PST files
that were not closed properly, then carries on trying to import the contacts,
and the warning pops up again.
I'd be very grateful if someone can advise how to stop Outlook from looping
like this, short of uninstalling and reinstalling and repatching (and I don't
even know whether THAT would work!) Thanks for ploughing through to the end,
and thanks in advance for your help!