

:) The existing 4.2MB is a Samsung - will any make be ok? I am very interested in Linux but know nothing about it - I read somewhere that it can enable a spare computer to network.
peahouse05 said:
:) The existing 4.2MB is a Samsung - will any make be ok? I am very interested in Linux but know nothing about it - I read somewhere that it can enable a spare computer to network.
Any branded name HD will do, just don't go paying too much for it. :thumb:

Linux ... another chapter, another book, don't worry overly on that one until you get fed-up with Windows.


Hello Muckshifter
Thanks for the advice on HDDs.
Regarding Linux - I wrote a programme using punched cards in Fortran4, circa 1971 so memories have been stiirred. Thrilling stuff! The programme costed expansion bellows for industry. But something other than pointing a mouse does appeal.

Well Linux does use a mouse, but also has the "command line" (Konsole) for more direct access to programs ... pop over to the Linux threads and have a browse.

oh, ignore the swearing from that fellow over there ... very impatient he was, kept thinking he could master it a week. :rolleyes:


Dear Muckshifter
Does Linux avoid all the memory-wasting stuff and let you use what you want to use ? I am probably completely wrong!
My XP on the old computer runs out in 17 days - I have only a licence for one machine - I have a rescue disk for win98 - can I use this with a new HDD?
The "rescue disk" may or may not work on a new HD ... you'll have to try it.

My XP on the old computer runs out in 17 days - I have only a licence for one machine
I'll forget you said that ... ;)

Does Linux avoid all the memory-wasting stuff and let you use what you want to use ?
Linux is not that 'hungry' for memory and if you now have 256MB ram then you have ample, and some spare. :D

Linux will run a lot faster on that PC than XP ... win 98 will be happy too, but you will have to take a stick of ram out ... such is Windows. :rolleyes:

Linux ? ... Here, read this first ...

xp scab

Dear Muckshifter
I am not trying to swindle Microsoft, but using what is available to try things out. I have a licence for win 98 on an even older computer so I could use that to create my network? The HDD is 3.2 MB - can I fit this to the much-upgraded tower with a larger HDD?

Fitting the 3.2 alongside the existing drive will give you some space, but not much ... it will soon fill up.

1.25MB free space on a 4.2 is a quarter empty, but is very little room for XP ... with a 40gig HD you will have a reasonable, but old & slow, PC.

Linux is FREE and would give your PC a new lease of life ... for what you say you want to do it will be fine, hell, there are even a few hundred FREE games you can play if you wanted to.

If you fit the 3.2 in with the 4.2 make sure the 4.2 is master and 'jumpered' as, and the 3.2 is jumpered as slave ... you may need another 'ribbon' cable if you don't have two already ... one for both and one for the CDRom drive.

second hdd

Dear Muckshifter
I have a legal copy of win98 on the:thumb: 3.2GB hdd - if I fit it temporarily is it possible to boot from either driveRgards
peahouse05 said:
Dear Muckshifter
I have a legal copy of win98 on the:thumb: 3.2GB hdd - if I fit it temporarily is it possible to boot from either driveRgards
If you first disconnect the XP drive yes, you will be able to boot 98. The drive must be master.

To "dual-boot" properly you will first have had to install 98, then XP ... XP would then 'see' 98 and ask if you want to dual-boot ... you cannot have XP and then 'load' 98. ;)

This means really you need to start again from scratch if you want proper dual-boot.

xp and win98

Dear Muckshifter
Thanks for the latest advice. So its win98 on the 3.2GB as master.
I have now got a set of round cables with plugs in the middle. If I set hdds to cable select I can swap them around by position on the cable.
I think I'll try win98 on its own first as it's from a different computer.
:) Time for lunch
peahouse05 said:
Dear Muckshifter
Thanks for the latest advice. So its win98 on the 3.2GB as master.
I have now got a set of round cables with plugs in the middle. If I set hdds to cable select I can swap them around by position on the cable.
I think I'll try win98 on its own first as it's from a different computer.
:) Time for lunch
To do "dual-boot" properly you need either one big enough HD or two HDs ... neither should have an OS on to start with ... you install the oldest OS followed by the next oldest, in your case, you need to install 98 first then XP. All HDs need to have the OS clean installed.

The practice of "swaping in and out" of HDs will have its own pitfalls ... using a HD from one system into another and all hell will break loose on that HD but may/can work ... XP will point blank refuse, and will give at best an error.

However, once you have 'buggered-up' both HDs you can then start all over again. :D
3.2Gb win98

Hi Muckshifter
It is 'searching for boot record of IDE 0'. 'Invalid disk' It sees the HD but knows it doesn't belong. Is this computer discrimination? There must be a law against it!
So......win98 on the wrong disk, only have a recovery floppy for 98. Can't boot with xp and then do anything with 98?
Still, good fun.

Thanks Muckshifter
I am getting the idea - clean install both but win98 is the problem.
peahouse05 said:
Thanks Muckshifter
I am getting the idea - clean install both but win98 is the problem.
ah yes, just noticed, it is a "floppy" recovery disk ... nope, you ain't gonna install 98 with that.


Dear Muckshifter
Lucky this is just a new hobby! Can't go any further with win98 on 3.2MB hdd. Will reassemble computer into its case with lovely new round leads, new sound card and new memory - quite pleased really, Have learned a lot.

Right, next - networking!
peahouse05 said:
Dear Muckshifter
Lucky this is just a new hobby! Can't go any further with win98 on 3.2MB hdd. Will reassemble computer into its case with lovely new round leads, new sound card and new memory - quite pleased really, Have learned a lot.

Right, next - networking!

Nope! ... bugger off and start a new thread on that. ;)

I use a hub, connect everything to it ... if it don't work, I throw it away and use my memory stick. :rolleyes:

I actually have three PCs here and none of them can see each other ... although they can all connect to the net. :D