PDF like program

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Max said:
I know, but he was blathering on about *.mht files, which is listed as
a proprietary Microdoft format. I was not talking about HTML when I
said proprietary, OS-specific (the best freeware wysiwyg editor I've
used is Linux's Quanta Plus).

That's what I use. I don't consider it WISYWYG. It has a viewer. Does
that really make it wizzywig? Click to *pre*check (as versus real
testing with real browserS); then go back to text editing. Home page
doesn't even claim it's WISYWYG.
Stefan said:
But is Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Opera more lightweight than Acrobat
Reader 1-5 (I don't talk about AR 6)?
What's that?


IE5 introduced the new 'Web Archive' format for storing web pages, which
have the extension MHT. The 'Web Archive' saves a web page as a single
document complete with all images. The format is a standard
mime/multipart e-mail message, a mime decoding program such as 7bit, 8bit
and Base 64 decoder should be able to turn it into something usable with
your OS and browser of choice.

This format is pretty nifty and usable, however, there is a potential
security breach found when used with encoded executable along with
malformed MIME header in the 'Web Archive'. If the encode data is
executable or has a single word "MZP" encoded within and Content-Type is
not designated, IE5 will be terminated by critical buffer
overflow.Consequently, one could compromise the client pc by executing
malicious code in the memory.

PS said:
thank you for your comments. i find some posters too fussy and less
helpful. for instance, one response to a suggestion to use PDFmailer
was "Adware, therefore off topic in this newsgroup". is that all he
could come up with?
Get used to it. This group has already retired the trophy for Most Netcops
per Low Volume Newsgroup. If you want to publish PDF docs try PDF995 from
http://www.pdf995.com/ A lot of nice features.
PS said:
thank you for your comments. i find some posters too fussy and less helpful.
for instance, one response to a suggestion to use PDFmailer was "Adware,
therefore off topic in this newsgroup". is that all he could come up with?

If it's true, blame the adware, not the messenger. This being a
freeware group that excludes adware from its definition of freeware,
there's certainly nothing wrong with someone including that kind of
information when adware is recommended, instead of freeware. IOW, he
*was* being helpful -- unless you were looking for non-freeware, and if
that was the case, your question should've gone to a different group.
I use gedit. It has a nifty little plug-in that simplifies most of
the basic coding...sorta reminds me a little of notetab :)

Didn't know of that plug-in. And I occasionally *use* gEdit, albeit for
no-power, quick'n'dirty editing.
That's what I use. I don't consider it WISYWYG. It has a viewer.
Does that really make it wizzywig? Click to *pre*check (as
versus real testing with real browserS); then go back to text
editing. Home page doesn't even claim it's WISYWYG.

Well, I live by Humpty's motto, remember. 8^)
Blinky said:
Stefan Ascher wrote:

When I posted the following, because it was taken from another discussion
and pasted here it came out looking attributed it to Stefan - whom I was
answering - rather than being a next-level reply. That was unintentional,
and in this piggyback <oink> on my own post, I'm removing the angle
brackets that made it look like his.



IE5 introduced the new 'Web Archive' format for storing web pages, which
have the extension MHT. The 'Web Archive' saves a web page as a single
document complete with all images. The format is a standard
mime/multipart e-mail message, a mime decoding program such as 7bit, 8bit
and Base 64 decoder should be able to turn it into something usable with
your OS and browser of choice.

This format is pretty nifty and usable, however, there is a potential
security breach found when used with encoded executable along with
malformed MIME header in the 'Web Archive'. If the encode data is
executable or has a single word "MZP" encoded within and Content-Type is
not designated, IE5 will be terminated by critical buffer
overflow. Consequently, one could compromise the client pc by executing
malicious code in the memory.

i find some posters too fussy and less helpful.
for instance, one response to a suggestion to use PDFmailer was
"Adware, therefore off topic in this newsgroup". is that all he
could come up with?

You should talk with your ISP about their guarantee that all Usenet
posts you read will be helpful to you. They may owe you a refund.

Since I'm following this thread to look at the freeware PDF creation
apps, I found that post helpful - without it I might have wasted some
time on PDFmailer.
Tiger wrote:

Didn't know of that plug-in. And I occasionally *use* gEdit,
albeit for no-power, quick'n'dirty editing.

I made it my default text editor simply because of the plug-ins. There
are only a couple right now...I'm hoping for more...I confess, I'm a
huge notetab junkie :)
thank you for your comments. i find some posters too fussy and less
helpful. for instance, one response to a suggestion to use PDFmailer
was "Adware, therefore off topic in this newsgroup". is that all he
could come up with?

Yes it was all I could come up with. It's basic netiquette to read the FAQ
of a newsgroup and lurk for a while before posting. I just pointed out the
post was off topic. I wasted time going to the adware link to check it out
and I wanted to save other people the effort of going. There are far too
many posts like this to take any effort over them.

Read my sig.
That is a "truth" with many modifications.

Unless you want to use Adobe products you need very big program
packages, like Postscript and Ghostview and xpdf package, etc to unpac
the pdf file format.

And it is completely un-neccessary as we have the free HTML file
format which can be packed, unpacked, modified to suit the readers
choices, and can be viewed by any web browser.

The only advantage pdf had before was that it could be distributed as
a single file. Now when we have the .mht format built into the
operative system windows there is no need at all for pdf files.

If you and your other person have no problem with all the well known
security hazzards in IE, sure one could agree with that. Of course, both
must have IE to do this. There are tools that totally remove IE from the
system in a permanent manner.

Lefse is really good grub..."Jeg Elsker Lefse! I Love Lefse!" sums it up well
it? And what do you call big? These days, I would say that anything
under 10MB is not big at all, and there are software app.s available
under 10MB that can create and modify PDF/PS files

Why should all the readers have to install several megabytes of
programs to read a file format which is totally un-neccessary when we
already have web browsers?

Reliable standards is one darn good one. Unless all html is equal which
is a known lie, swapping data via html is an iffy job. The only way it
could be done is if both sides use strict www3 consortium html of one
version both have. PDF is a file format that only has one known base
standards and thus any pdf creator will produce a file that any pdf reader
can handle. In a world with IE only html tags and Netscape only html
tags, html is not a good transmission method.

I have no sympathy for control freaks who want to limit the access to
and usability of information. And if you talk on behalf of the
commercial interest, this is a freeware newsgroup, we like free
software and free information.

Yes we do. We also like free software without massive known and an
unknowable security problems that could let some darn hacker or cracker
into our computers to do as they please.
I think .mht is a html file format, like the rest of the html standard
it is probably not owned by any company at all.

I am not convinced that it is public domain. " MHT Web archives" is
mentioned on a programmer site for one product.

"The absolute references or hyperlinks on the Web page remain unchanged and
the .mht file is viewed using Internet Explorer." It is made painfully
clear that one must have IE to use it. One does need Outlook Express as
well. That means it is almost certainly Microsoft technology which is
proprietary as all heck.
All web browsers will have it soon, and we have the mht packer and

I really hope not. I do not want this as an option in Opera or
Firebird/Mozilla. Only if one does not remove that viriiware IE.
unpacker built into the windows operating system. Just use the save as
on the menu.

I right click often. I have no "Save As mht" on my popup menu. I have
never seen it on Opera, Mozilla, Firebird, or Netscape. Your mht format
is not availible to all browers. And since it is from MicroSoft, I bet it
has many security holes in it.
Html is not an OS dependent file format.

No, it is not when done in pure www3 consoritum form. M$ IE does not
produce pure html AFAIK. Your domain name suggests Sweden. Sweden had or
used to have a good amount of Linux users. M$ IE will not run on Linux
without fiddling with Wine or Samba. Thus mht files are effectively
useless on Linux.

PDF files can be read by the reader which comes in Linux, Mac, and Windows
form as well as some others.

Lefse is really good grub..."Jeg Elsker Lefse! I Love Lefse!" sums it up well
Much better is HTML which is a free format, easy to open in any
browser, easy to dissemble, and there are many editors which you can
use to create HTML documents, from simple editors like notepad to
drag-n-drop "what you see is what you get" editors.

PLease, when you make joke posts like this, can you add a :-) or <g> or else
some of the newbies could believe you and follow this farcical advice.
