KR Williams
roo@try- said:KR Williams wrote:
Backwards compatibility? AGP was compatible with exactly what?
Compatibility with pre-AGP software.
Come on. That's trivial for any port. Map the addresses in the
same range and go for it.
If you consider putting shitloads of RAM onto the graphics card
a solution I don't think it slowed that down at all. What it did
enable was low-cost solutions *at the time it came out*, the kind
of solutions that would suit kiddies who would break their piggy
bank to play a game.
That's *precisely* what I advocated at the time. Memory sizes
grew (and costs fell) to where this was not only possible, but
mandatory at the same time AGP became available. Indeed the only
things that used AGP (system memory resident) textures were Intel
demos. Impressive, but hardly useful. Graphics cars have
outstripped AGP usage ever since.
I may have a tough spot in my soul for Intel, dreaming for what
might have been (and technically possible), but you're a lackey
OK, I'll bite. What might have been when AGP was first mooted ?
The first day it was shipped in a product. Graphics cards were
even then shipping with more (texture) memory than the games of
the day were using. It was a *bad* idea, much like UMA. Memory
is and was cheap. 32MB cards were normal then, and 128MB cheap
now. There would be even more memory on graphics cards if there
were a reason. Like I said earlier, even my 2D card has 32MB.
In the context of this discussion your assertion of being a "lackey
for what is" is wrong anyway. It flatly ignores my preference which
is render into main memory and DMA the framebuffer to the RAMDAC.
Oh, my! NO wonder we disagree so much. I have *NO* interest in
bottling up main memory with such trivia. I'm sure you liked UMA
too. Let me ask you; Do you have an integrated UMA graphics
controller on your system?
Nice and simple, lots of control for the programmer. However I do
recognise this is not a good solution right now because of the way
the hardware is structured and the design trade-offs.
It is a *horrible* idea. It puts too much stress on the exact
wrong area of the system. UMA not only affects memory bandwidth,
but latency. I'd rather not give up either and throw it all at
the processor. Perhaps it's because I know what's possible in
hardware and you're simply dreaming of a perfect world (again).
I never have liked MS stuff to be honest. Never liked x86s either,
but on the other hand Intel contributed heavily to PCI and on
balance I think that has been a valuable contribution to the
industry as a whole.
I'm not a PCI fan either, but it is what is. I've gotten over my
anger at stupid marketing and have learned to accept the
inevitable (and have even designed to it, though it's
unnecessarily ugly).
I've never had an issue with x86. I even liked segmentation,
unless I had to do huge data structures. :-( ...which was rare
as a hardware type.

Amazing the difference in perspective between hardware wonks and
software weenies. ;-)