PC Review Game Server?

Alf said:
Hey Ian you still planing to have a gaming server or is it too much?

Well, the deciding factor is next week... if the sponsors continue for the foreseeable future then the game server looks like its going ahead! If not, then it won't be quite yet as there simply isn't any money for it.

Fingers crossed and next week there may be one :)
I really have lost my touch at Counter strike, dont even want to touch the game since i will end up killing myself some how.
UT 04 is a diffrent story, i have a good chance at that game:D
Also Ian would it be a members only thing or open to guest too?
Not sure on the game yet, but it would be open to anyone - Members and Guests (although there would probably be members only times where the server would be passworded for tournaments or something).
I`m up for UT2004.Have been gettin back into online gaming and playing that... wow... I thought I was good until I came up against real ppl, now its like learning again :)


I personally wouldnt mind paying a few quid a month to get a server here if sponsership cant be had. But obviously, it needs to be a popular idea
The sponsor pulled out unfortunatly, so I'm going to hunt for another one and try and get a game server going :)
Alf said:
Drat, well better luck next time

Still hoping to get one up and running soon :) I've got a 1MB ADSL connection and a server in my room, so I can always host ones on that as a stop-measure if people fancy a game :)
OK, we have a 24 hour trial for a Game Server :) from 1st May 2005 12:00 to 2nd May 2005 11:59

Still a while till it opens, but should run for all Sunday basically. I have set Counter Strike : Source to run as default with the server name : ■ - PC Review UK Server - ■

I will make a post on the main page tonight with more details.