PC Randomly Shutting Down


ok refresh my memory, what antivirus?

better still, what "precautions" are you using ... anti-malware and all that jaz

I keep it simple, KISS ...

I recommend MS Security Essentials, you should only use ONE antivirus program at a time, so if you do decide to use MSSE, and a lot of us here do, then uninstall your present AV will be order of the day ... ;)

in conjunction with that, SuperAntiSpyware and or, MalwareBytes take your pick, some people use both, but I advise using one you trust.

Pop over to https://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-2697599.php for some other ideas.

Each time I reboot ,when the desktop appears it is white with the icons blued out. Then it takes a full 1 minute to load the antivirus and then after a further 1 minute the normal correct desktop will appear. It is as if the PC is starting correctly but doing so extremely slowly.
I need all the information you can give me, this isn't a icon-cashe problem.

Remove any non-esential program from the "start-up menu", that probably means all of them ... this deletes the shortcut to the program on the Start menu, but it does not delete the program from your hard disk. :)

I only have one program that has to load from Logitech, my mouse needs it to run, Logitech have crap/no programers, keep expecting to find an INI file one day. ;)

I run Norton Antivirus.

I regularly go to msconfig -start up and disable all the start up items

I enclose a screen shot of the partially opened desk top


petermitchell44 said:
I run Norton Antivirus.
Norton what?

Not being funny here, but as I said, information is key ... we don't hold Norton in good esteem around here.

are you using any anti-malware programs? have you run any?

I haven't "seen" a real virus since 1986 ... worms, trogans, beasties & nasties are the bus of today, and a lot of AV programs don't detect them, some that do, cannot delete them.

I regularly go to msconfig -start up and disable all the start up items
fine, but only as a diagnostic tool ... I want you to actually remove any non essential programs from the "startup menu" itself

I enclose a screen shot of the partially opened desk top
your screenshot is extreamly small ... and you got more dektop icons than I have programs ;)

I'm trying to see why/what is delaying windows starting ... heck, it could be anything

petermitchell44 said:
I run the current 2010 version of the enclosed


As Muckshifter quoted
we don't hold Norton in good esteem around here.

I purchased Norton 2010 not to long ago thinking I would give it a chance. Oh I think I had it installed for all of 5 days. When I caught a few nasties. Norton didn't find anything wrong. It took a freebie of AVAST to sort the problem out. Norton 2010 got filed in the bottom draw after that. Its poo and always has been....
Hi Muckshifter I have to report that my PC is now booting up correctly with the desktop appearing virtually instantaneously after the Windows Logo closes.

The last two things I did was

1. Set up the new IconCache file.
I then Rebooted 5 times and the desktop continued to open in the faulty manner.

2. Eliminate the last item on the Secunia PSI list ,namely, the outdated Microsoft Access 2000.

I find it difficult to believe that the faulty desktop opening was due to the outdated Microsoft Access 2000 as this has always been running on my PC . I therefore see no conclusive reason as to why the desktop opening has been corrected.

Since removing the automatic reboot on system failure shutdown ,some 4 days ago, the PC has not once shut itself down .Unfortunately it is not clear why this particular fault appeares to have been corrected.

The only remaining faults, which have always existed,are as follows

1. The inability to open multiple Java controlled Tabs simultaneously

2. Pointer freezing within Java controlled panes but still active outside of Java Panes.

3. Pointer freezing within Java controlled panes that totally freezes the cpu.

At the moment there is no indication that pointer freezing happens outside of Java controlled panes.

I mentioned previously that these faults existed on other PCs that had similar or inferior cpus but did not exist on other PCs that had superior cpus ,so this seems to indicate that this problem is related to the inability of some cpu's software to handle multiple simultaneous requests. Are you inclined to agree .On my own PC these problems exist irrespective of whether I have Hyper Threading switch on or off. Thanks Peter
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Some rather flippant comments from Mr Flops:

A person should not be too surprised that a ten year old program written by Microsoft should cause problems.

Java is not - how shall we put this? - a terribly wonderful software application. So don't wory about it.

And on a final note I am rather pleased that your problems, hopefully, have been resolved :)
as my esteemed colleague has pointed out, Java, is not the best "program" in the world along with Flash. ;)

Sun Microsystem shot themselves in the foot when they insisted Microsoft stop 'messing' with thier licened version ... I believe most of it, Sun retained a portion, is Open sauce (sic) these days. :D

I do not have Java on my system ;)

Microsoft "products" are well documented in giving PC owners grief on thier systems especially as reminants are always left behind after uninstalling.

Anyway, please you have your system functioning again. :D

Thanks Guys for all your patience I feel I've been on an intensive training course.Its much appreciated.I hope I never have to but I do look forward to doing business with you again. Regards Peter.
Hi Guys.

Regarding the freezing that happens within Jave controlled

panes.I notice that when my PC is running slowly ,due to running Prime 95,the freezing problem does not exist.

I am almost inclined to run with Prime 95 permantly running in the background however I wondered if you could suggest an alternative method of permanantly loading my cpu to a lesser level than Prime 95 does.

The freezing only happens when the cpu is idling so maybe some method of keeping the cpu active would be beneficial.

Not an elegant solution but maybe a practical one.

Try running the two products on offer from the above link to clean up your pc a tad.
Thanks Ab I've run the programs you suggested.

I'm afraid my optimism was premature.I now seem to be back to square one with my PC randomly shutting down and randomly freezing.

Despite deactivating the automatic reboot ,it still insists on rebooting each time after a random shutdown.

It would appear that all the extensive work carried out to date did not touch on the problems

The only thing that seems to work is to continuously load up the cpu by continuously running Prime 95 in the background.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this works. Thanks
Hi .Have done clean reinstall of operating system a few times lately and its made no difference.This makes me think its something failing.

Because my PC works correctly if I keep the cpu loaded(by running Prime 95 permanantly in the background )I'm thinking the problems are related to something failing on the motherboard causing malfunction of the motherboard software.Do you think maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree.
the thing that bugs me is the fact it fails when idle :confused:

Did you remove Norton? obviously replace with another AV program.

I had a faulty XP disk once that would load the os but it had glitches. Used a different disc and problems went away.