Is your PC connected to router or part of a network? Are you using XP's,
software such as ZoneAlarm, or a router's firewall?
Here are two (2) files, and one (1)upgrade offer from Intel. Intel states
that they still have upgrade in stock on their website, that might help with
you using video feature for Intel's CS330 web cam. If you are using the CD
that originally came with the camera. It probably includes drivers for
Win9x/ME OS's, only. You will need to install the WinXP driver's. You still
might be able to use the photo software on the CD.
1. The CS330-XP.EXE file contains "Drivers only" and does NOT contain any
Intel® Create & Share® Software
2. LIVEVID.EXE is a self-extracting archive that, once installed, will allow
users to troubleshoot problems where their Intel camera will not stream or
display live video.
LIVEVID.EXE should allow you to resolve this issue.
3. Intel Create & Share® software Upgrade CD for $5.95
You did not say what video conferencing software you are trying to use with
the camera. If you are trying to use the software from the Intel CD. Such as
NetMeeting, you will probably need to install the current version offered by
that product's manufacturer. Also check the software's instruction,
concerning settings for application through firewalls and maybe routers. Is
your PC connected to router or part of a network?
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The camera is Intel's CS330.....the driver is what Intel put on the CD
they sold me, I wouldn't know its ID. The camera makes video. The
problem is that a wrong IP address is frozen into the data somewhere
and all the searching I can do, hasn't led me to where. So I have
video but can't send it out. I'm hoping that somebody who has that
camera and the Intel software, will lead me to where the numbers
are buried, and then maybe to how I can remove them.