Parsing between a character and sysmbol

  • Thread starter Thread starter gene.ariani
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That's ridiculous! Where did you get that from? One of the benefits of
arrays and collections is the ease of iterating through them via loops.
Your code is perfectly fine, but please don't make up best practices just to
bolster your code over others.

I'm not trying to bolster anything over anyone, just givin' away advise
that I gathered along the road. You're free to accept it or not.

Considering the tone of you message, and knowing that I can really
propose ridiculous things without noticing, I took the time to call
ILDasm on your code. This is what I got inside its main loop (I'm not
even talking about using Split here, that required the conversion of
the "-" char into an array of chars. The things you learn with
For i = 0 To y(0).Length - 1
If IsNumeric(y(0)(i)) Then z &= y(0)(i)
; Locates the element Y(0) and pushes it on the stack
IL_002d: ldloc.2
IL_002e: ldc.i4.0
IL_002f: ldelem.ref

; Gets the i-th char from the element
; on the stack (y(0)(i))
IL_0030: ldloc.0 ;
IL_0031: callvirt char String::get_Chars(int32)

; Boxes the char from the previous step and
; calls IsNumeric(Object) (oops!)
IL_0036: box System.Char ;
IL_003b: call bool IsNumeric(object)

;Skips the code if the result of the
;previous step was false
IL_0040: brfalse.s IL_0057

; Pushes z on the stack
IL_0042: ldloc.3

; locates (again!), the element y(0)(i):
; pushes y(0) onto the stack
IL_0043: ldloc.2
IL_0044: ldc.i4.0
IL_0045: ldelem.ref

;gets the i-th char
IL_0046: ldloc.0
IL_0047: callvirt char String::get_Chars(int32)

;Converts it to String (!!!)
IL_004c: call string ToString(char)

; concatenates z and the previous string (creating another string)
; and points z to it
IL_0051: call string String::Concat(string, string)
IL_0056: stloc.3

As you can see, accessing y(0)(i) is somewhat inneficient, because the
code will have to locate the base element by index twice, and the char
by index twice, at every loop. This means locating this element ten
times, for the current example. I guess you'd agree that I can locate
the element only once *outside* the loop, and the given char only once
per cicle (inside the loop). That's exactly what happens when you use
an enumeration on a string, so I really preffer this approach than
accessing an indexed element inside a loop, anytime (unless, of course,
I need the index for something else).

As for the string concatenation, two new strings are created at each
loop cicle, one from the char and one as the result of the
concatenation. To produce your five-chars string you created at least
10 temporary strings. I don't know about you but I don't think this is
efficient at all... Now, I can only guess how the StringBuilder works,
but I'm positive it doesn't use temporary strings, but more likely an
efficient array of chars that will be resized fewer times than you
created strings (if resized at all).

Finally, knowing that IsNumeric() boxes its parameter will really make
me stay far away from it (unless, of course, I need it's VB6 semantics,
which is hardly the case, nowadays).

Hope this clarifies things a bit.

Of course, you can allways argue that the string you're manipulating is
so small that the number of resources and the time taken to proccess it
is negligible, and maybe I'll aggree with you on this. But, who knows,
the OP's example may or may not reflect his actual string. Besides,
there's no information on how many other strings he has to handle.

Best regards,

I never claimed that my code was the most efficient way of doing this. What
I did say was that your statement of avoiding arrays inside loops whenever
possible is a ridiculous statement to broadly make. Perhaps it is not the
most efficient way of handling this particular scenario, but, in general,
arrays and collections are prime candidates for iteration via loops. What
makes this particular example less efficient is that there are 2 indexes to
deal with, rather than just the one. In cases where there is just one index
to deal with, or in situations where there are just too many values to write
individual lines of code for, loops are most certainly the way to go with
arrays and collections.

As for the use of StringBuilders, if you read my last response, you must
take into account the base size of a StringBuilder vs. the memory used by
creating new String objects. Again, this particular example may be best
handled with SB's, and I never said SB's were NOT the way to go. What I
said was that because of the intern pool, you can certainly wind up with
situations where using a SB would create more overhead than not using one.

I do agree with your philosophy on advice though, so I hope you don't mind
if I use it:

Just givin' away advice that I gathered along the road. You're free to
accept it or not.

Scott said:
I never claimed that my code was the most efficient way of doing this. What
I did say was that your statement of avoiding arrays inside loops whenever
possible is a ridiculous statement to broadly make.

I suppose I owe you an apology. I guessed it was clear that I was
refering to your perdulary use of y(0)(i) inside the loop, not the
general issue of "arrays inside loops". This point seemed so basic to
me that needed not an ellaboration and thus the "avoid using array
inside loops" advice, which is clearly misphrased -- and I apologize
for the misunderstanding. My actual point was, if you must access an
array index inside a loop (and, of course, arrays were born to live
inside loops), try at least to minimize the access to the same
elements. Using y(0)(i) twice in the same expression just for the sake
of saving a line of code seems amatteurish to me (in the bad sense),
and, really, not wise. Also, it spells to novices a certain sloppy
style of coding that smells like leaving option strict off, using
Object instead of strong typing, etc.


Best regards,
