Parents PC booting in circles...

christopherpostill said:
What problems can dual booting cause?
Double the problems of a single boot option.

Floppy has the better suggestion ... split the drive however you want, use the second partition as a backup/clone ... however, hard drives fail, ALL hard drives fail.

Back-up Back-up Back-up Back-up ... you know it makes sense, and is the easiest option.

Theres one thing that gets me though... im not sure what could be wrong.
Maybe something is failing ... maybe nothing ... maybe just Windows wanting a quick smoke.

Linux can fail too ... though less than a Windows box.


Something is definatly up...

Windows XP installation is just hanging, its crashed on the "installing devices" bit... Something not right!!!
christopherpostill said:

Something is definatly up...

Windows XP installation is just hanging, its crashed on the "installing devices" bit... Something not right!!!
Check the HD out ... :thumb:
Hope its not the HD!

Already replaced one in that machine... could something (i.e PSU) be killing it?
so it should ...

christopherpostill said:
Linux works fine!
Good ... now try OO2 and see if will open the work files.

Then your done. :thumb:
christopherpostill said:
If you is gonna use Linux, then you better get a grip on the lingo ... everything you'll need is in the Kmenu anyway.

Just using it until i can figure out why windows wont install...!!

Open Office 1.1 opens stuff fine - don't have the latest version of Ubuntu on CD

Im lost as to what could be causing problems...

Im gonna try windows XP again now...
Ok windows installed. ****** Microsoft!

*chris ponders as to what could have destroyed windows so much as to it completely not booting earlier...could a virus really do that? *
christopherpostill said:
Ok windows installed. ****** Microsoft!

*chris ponders as to what could have destroyed windows so much as to it completely not booting earlier...could a virus really do that? *
You got 'virus' on the brain ... Windows goes belly-up every day ... I ain't seen a "virus" in 2 years. ;)

You is going to see more of it too. :p
christopherpostill said:
Well if it isnt a virus - something must have triggered windows to just kick the bucket?
Yep. :thumb:

Chris, while a virus IS destructive I doubt you had one ... it is more than probable that Windows trip over one of its many bugs ... XP is very robust, however, when it goes wrong, it goes ape ... not much one can do to 'fix' it but clean-install. :D

You were, of course, running some sort of AV program ... ;)
christopherpostill said:
which picked up 6 viruses...
... and they were?

So your parents visit unsavoury places, use P2P and open any old email ... the word "virus" is a misused word. ;)

If you say so ... it was a virus. :)
Actually, on four computers, ever since XP appeared, i've never had XP go belly-up on me. Ever.

But there again, I kinda know what I'm doing, a little.

However, I've seen many many friends' computers go wrong for no apparent reason. I've tried the usual recommended fixes, but so far they've never worked. I have yet to repair a broken install of XP.

So, Chris, guess you got lucky with 'fixmbr' etc.

There's a myriad of circumstances that can lead to any OS going belly-up. It happens.

And with that in mind, I'll repeat - backup.
actually it seemed to have happened since my 15 y/o sister started to use the parents PC... dare i say more.

Chances are XP just screwed over and it wasnt a cause of the viruses...

Ah well - hopefully it will teach the parents to back up regulary :)

Thanks for all your help guys - much appreciated. :)