I quote here from the postings of Rod Speed:
You lie about what I actually said.
We have learned that Rod's system, "...uses the swap file MUCH less it did with the smaller amount
of physical ram". Much less is not none, so while his PC still swaps out to swapfile, he assures
us that it never reads in from that swapfile, "But not returned from the swap file to physical
ram, so no effect on performance".
I didnt say that about mine, I said that about a system that has enough
physical ram to do without a swap file and you have one anyway.
So his version of windows
Nothing to do with my version of windows.
can predict which pages it will not require, so swaps them out of RAM into virtual memory, safe in
the knowledge that they will never be required.
I never ever said anything even remotely resembling anything like that.
I ACTUALLY said that win does write some stuff to the swap file that
it decides is less likely to be used any time soon, and it does that
while there is still plenty of free physical ram, because it can do that
in the background and have no effect on performance, and its better
to do that while there is still plenty of free physical ram, because that
can be written to the swap file without affecting performance when
its done at that time, rather than waiting till there isnt enough free
physical ram to do that and having to wait while that happens then.
Obviously if you have enough physical ram to not need a swap file
and have one anyway, what was written to the swap file in case
there is ever a shortage of physical ram wont in fact occur, so
there wont be any need to read it into physical ram again later,
its just in the swap file AND in physical ram until its rebooted.
All this happens without using the hard disk as he said there is no performance hit - Fantastic!
Even someone as stupid as you should be able to grasp that
if the stuff that is written to the swapfile is done in the background
when nothing much is going on, it wont affect the performance.
We told him that with sufficient RAM, he doesn need a swapfile, he said he does.
I never ever said that either.
Microsoft says he doesn't!
Lying again.
We told him about the recommendation that it should be 1.5x the amount of RAM, he said that was a
childish claim. It is Microsoft's recommendation!
No it isnt. MS doesnt say it anything like that absolutely.
AND that is nothing like you claim just above that claim that
MS says you dont need a swap file either. Cant even manage
a consistent line of lies from one para to the next one.
We told him that the swapfile is used regardless of the amount of RAM in a PC, he said both that
it is and it isn't
No I didnt.
(in the same post) - so he can't be wrong!
Never ever could lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
Microsoft says it is used!
A few quotes from a page on Microsoft's website concerning virtual
memory (
"the normal recommendation of 1.5 times the amount of RAM in the computer is a good place to
Nothing like your previous claim. Concentrate on A GOOD PLACE TO START.
"The operating system uses the paging system for purposes other than swapping pages due to memory
over commitment."
But some of those are irrelevant to most, most obviously with crash dumps.
There is also text in there about the situation whereby a system has sufficient RAM to run without
a pagefile. If you have a pagefile anyway, then it is still used.
But it does NOT say that it used the pagefile identically
to how its used when you dont have enough physical ram.
That was YOUR pig ignorant drivel.
Clearly microsoft don't know how their own OS works, because Rod Speed must be right
I told you how to test your stupid pig ignorant claim that the pagefile use
doesnt change when you have enough physical ram to be able to do without it.
- how can you argue with supporting statements
such as "wrong" and "Nope". So compelling!
Lying, again.
I have left spaces between these quotes so that Rod can disagree directly with microsoft.
I havent ever done that, liar.
Obvious lie, ear to ear dog shit isnt capable of thought.
- perhaps his hard disk light is broken,
so he doesn't know when the pagefile is being used! Please feel free to continue the battle Kony,
but I've given up on him - he just doesn't understand!
Everyone's noticed that its you that doesnt understand. They'd be putting
the boot in if they agreed with you, and they aint doing that child.
Have you the remotest concept of how many are laughing at your predicament ?