I'll agree that it's not as good as having two CPU's, but it's certainly
better than just one especially since it doesn't cost any extra. Just
think how good AMD would look with HT and dual cores. ;-)
Oh, but HT does cost extra. Apparently in it's present
implementation it's not worth that extra (P4 is dead meat). AMD
with HT? Who cares. AMD w/dual cores seems to be getting some
interest though. Meanwhile Intel is trying to do a Heinz with
*AMD64* (under their moniker) as a XEON only. You're team is
responding just so on-script.
Hmmm.....I must have missed that.
....seems you've missed a *lot*! '-)
I'm not sure I want to ask this, but I can't stop myself. ;-) Just
precisely what didn't he like about Gentoo.
Too much configuration/compiling for the Lin-novice. SuSE came
highly recommended (from many sources) as being the "best". YaST
is a selling point. ...though I'm still not there.
Money is money, I'll take it. But, I sure am getting tired of cleaning
the same old crap. The adware makers are getting pretty good at making
the stuff as ingrained into the OS as IE is. VX2Betterinternet is a
pain to get rid of.
Understand that different people have different motivation. You
know Gentoo. ...doesn't mean it's the best for a novice.
Must be a bunch of SuSE patches (hax ;-) to the kernel. Even Gentoo has
it's specially patched kernel. Let's hope SuSE doesn't get as carried
away as Redhat did with their "patches". :-O
Shultz: I know NooothhING!
You'll get it, it just might take a bunch of reading to do so. Welcome
to Linux. ;-)
Yeah, the system has been hung for hours waiting to change the
resolution (you were right the monitor lied) with the clock
spinning (once I added the secondary display). I rebooted with
the installation CD but all I get now is a "casper", then the
same clock spinning It still won't let me change the graphics
stuff. Me thinks PQMagic is going to have to delete everything
and start over. Not a biggie, the old machine (this one) is
three keystrokes away.
Hmmm sounds a bit open ended. Most video cards need special kernel
support as well as XFree86 drivers to make the most of them (read as
good 3D support). Fortunately to get the 2D acceleration going doesn't
require as much effort.
Well. We *are* learning things by the minute. ;-) However, my
understanding is that the G500 is rather "simple". Indeed, the
secondary display works, though hardly optimallyy. I've triedto
do *something* and it seems to be hung. I cannot even coax the
thing to re-install. Well, learn...
Use a copper center conductor and it will stretch nicely over time. Of
course your impedance will adjust appropriately. ;-)
All done. It took all of an hour to get it all together, after
the trip to the Home Despot. I have both machines playing
together (with a KVM on the primary display) rather nicely. NOw
to convince the new machine to behave!
I hope you have decent crimp tools. Should only run you about $130.00
for a set. ;-) They make some EZ RJ45's that have little holes in the
end to pass the wires thru. Makes it allot easier to get things tucked
in nice and tight. Of course many hubs/switches and NIC cards don't
like the protruding bits no matter how flush you try to cut them.
A punch-down is all I need. Unfortunately I lent my ($80) tool
to someone, now unknown. I can do an acceptable job without it,
Send me a plane ticket and I'll finish it up for you. ;-) Thank God
for fiberglass rods and may the sadist that invented fish tape burn in

Flexible shaft drill-bit and an electricians snake (though a PITA
doing it alone running up&down stairs). It's all done. We're
transmitting from the kid's former room, though it is still a
disaster. ;-)
The next task is the adjoining bathroom. I *HATE* plumbing.