I agree that there is a product need for this product suggestion, i have
installed the web based service ones in small businesses, and small business
server exchange setups, but it is all too complicated for most individuals
and businesses without IT/IS staff to utilize cost effectively. Microsoft has
not figured out that there is a verly large market of home/small businesses
with some IT/IS experence, or consultants as an on-call or as needed basis.
That this market is virtually untapped for products similar to what they use
at work, which they can utilize at home with their families locally and
remotely. Also everyone has the same fear, security/control of their
schedules/data, if it is run by an online company, or their company. yet it
is relativly easy to do if you study existing microsoft technology and
hardware on the market.
i figured out how to do this, and it is quite simple, but i hate to lose the
solution. i call it the family calendar and figured out the design, the
programming with cots hardware and software from HP/microsoft, and created
somewhat of a prototype (i need help creating some scripts). it uses
microsoft outlook scripts MS created for outlook, some windows scripts,
combines existing xp/windows features, and a few simple features in
XP/windows/netwoorking.....i would love to figure how to get it to microsoft,
dell, or hp, ect. it would sell like hotcakes.....while working on my mba, i
created the business/marketing plan, pricing strategies, the setup
documentation, the script creation/logic, and a basic prototype, then
tested/demonstrated it for a few month....heck i even figured how to
centrally locate it in the house, mount it in several places and connect it
to your TV.....if i could license it to someone (the most cost effective
method for the company who risks more to finish the development and it would
net me a few bucks for figuring out the basics) Based on demonstrations to
small business owners, soccer families, and a few corporate executives, and
we all feel it would make tons for the Microsoft/hp/dell.....to me this is
the next break through home consumer product to kick start the need for more
hardware and windows products in the home in our current mature US market....
i had the COO of thomson look at this product, he determined he would have a
use of this for his family and wanted my prototype. But when he explained how
the "business works", with unsolicited ideas and non-disclosures......they
wait until the nondisclosue expires and then they have their version of it
ready, no large corporation wants to pay for an untested idea, if they can
avoid it.
if anyone has any ideas how i can get this to micosoft without losing it, i
would greatly appreciate it....but let me tell you, it is really easy, and it
can be made to work for the novice home user at a price point most homes,
globally, can afford....