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It might be the world's most widely distributed email client, but
Microsoft has
confirmed that it has no intention of further developing Outlook
Turns out that someone at MS spoke hastily; they will keep developing
OE. :-/
... Leach has now stepped away from his original comments,
claiming that while Microsoft had originally planned to halt new
work on Outlook Express, the situation has since changed.
"I sat down with the Windows team today, and they tell me my
comments were inaccurate," Leach said Friday. "Outlook Express
was in sustain engineering, but customers asked for continued
improvement, and we are doing that. Microsoft will continue its
innovation around the email experience in Windows."
Leach blamed communication problems for the confusion. "The
Outlook Express team has been in the process of making this
change known inside Microsoft," he said. "They just hadn't
reached me before I left for Asia."