Seems you DO care about what Russ has to say or else you would not be replying to a thread many weeks old.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, DWest asked:
| Nobody cares about your life lessons. Please don't post if your
| intentions are to degrade people instead of trying to help resolve a
| problem.
| "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
|| The point I was making is that it takes a long time for
|| synchronization software to get updated to the point it is totally
|| reliable with a new Outlook version, even if it is Microsoft's own
|| synchronization software. For that reason, I never attempt to use a
|| new Outlook version as the database for a synchronization program
|| until it is at least a year out of release. I also don't use a new
|| OS or Office version on my production partition until a year more
|| after its release. Half of the third party apps and drivers I need
|| won't work with a new OS or Office version for at least a year. I
|| have a lot of headaches already. I do not need the headache of being
|| an early adopter.
|| As for the rest of your question, the other point I would make is
|| that I never rely on an operating system's "automatic transfer"
|| utilities to transfer Outlook data. I have never seen one yet that
|| can transfer Outlook data reliably.
|| No, you may not put words in my mouth as to what is "crap" and what
|| isn't. I have no idea what Microsoft's stance is on any of this. I'm
|| sure they are convinced that their products are 100% reliable and
|| compatible as soon as they RTM, so there is no "solution" needed.
|| I'm only imparting my own personal experience and "street smarts."
|| I never quite understand why people who rush to adopt all the latest
|| software releases expect those disparate programs to work flawlessly
|| together right away. Common sense would dictate a more careful and
|| thoughtful approach to the adoption of new technology. There are
|| countless parallels to that wisdom in other venues where the stakes
|| are often much higher. Read up on the problems created by the early
|| widespread adoption of drug-eluting coronary stents. Life teaches
|| you lessons when you pay attention.
|| --
|| Russ Valentine
|| [MVP-Outlook]
|| ||| Russ, I was using Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 software with Outlook
||| 2003 on XP
||| Professional on my old Notebook. To transfer from one computer to
||| another Microsoft provide transfer software. The Microsoft
||| transfer software provided by VISTA is the VISTA Backup and Restore
||| Centre. As instructed I copied the VISTA Backup and Restore Centre
||| software utility to my XP Notebook
||| - I ran it as instructed which created a Transfer Log and then, as
||| instructed, I Restored this to my Vista Notebook. That
||| transferred my contacts into Outlook 2007. Thereafter I have
||| synced using the only software
||| that works with VISTA which is Microsoft's Mobile device Centre.
||| This keeps
||| my contacts current with my Smartphone mobile computer. As needed,
||| I have tried to forward emails received to addresses in my contacts
||| by clicking on
||| the "To" field which takes me to "name select" in contacts and then
||| clicking
||| on the recipient’s name and hitting send.
||| All very simple & straight forward and as Microsoft instructs us to
||| do..
||| So as I understand it Russ, you say that Microsoft's Mobile device
||| Centre is
||| crap and not 10% as good as Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5? If so, I
||| agree with you.
||| What is the solution being offered by Microsoft?? I would expect
||| with such
||| a basic problem as this that Microsoft would be bending over
||| backwards to fix
||| it - but they aren’t?? It is as if they simply don't care that
||| their products don't work as they sell them to.
||| Do you have a fix to this problem that will allow me to sync my
||| contacts daily with my Smartphone and to be able to sent emails
||| using my Outlook 2007
||| & contacts.?
||| John
||| "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
|||| More details on how you are selecting the recipients, how you
|||| copied the data, and how you configured the Outlook Address Book
|||| are required even to
|||| start on this one.
|||| --
|||| Russ Valentine
|||| [MVP-Outlook]
|||| "Richard Sargeant" <
[email protected]>
|||| wrote in message
|||| ||||| Russ,
||||| Unfortunately I have exactly the same problems as Dave, using
||||| exactly the
||||| same software versions. In my case, mindful of problems I've
||||| previously experienced with old format and/or corrupted pst
||||| files, when I upgraded from
||||| Outlook 2003 I created a shiny new empty pst file. Then I opened
||||| the old
||||| 2003
||||| pst file and copied everything from it to my new file. Finally I
||||| closed the
||||| old file. Now, under conditions I haven't quite got my finger on
||||| yet, Outlook
||||| loops on send/receive, the message is not sent and I have to
||||| terminate Outlook.
||||| And yes, I too have a Windows Mobile device, 2003R2 in my case.
||||| But I deleted everything from it before setting up a new
||||| partnership and filling
||||| it
||||| with the contents of my new pst file.
||||| So there seems to be more to this than problems caused by
||||| importing or synchronising.
||||| RS