OT: SOS delegated to be NY 20th Congressional District Website

  • Thread starter Thread starter Son Of Spy
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Just putting "OT" on your posting doesn't give you the right to
use this NG for your agenda.

Why not? Did you forget to create a nifty regex in your newsreader
that handles OT posting?
Your act cheapens your otherwise most respected contributions to
this group, and adds to the troubling trend of increasingly
politicizing too many facets of our lives. Please check your "OT"
political opinions at the door, act as a model for the group, and
permit it to peacefully comply with its stated purpose.

Bullshit!. Not long ago a political move was made in response to the
proposed euro software patent crap. This move consisted of most open
source websites creating a wrapper page displaying outrage, and all
the while offering links to what the site was originally designed
for. Did you miss the link in the SOS page where freeware users who
have no interest in politics need to go? It was up there at the
top... No need to read anything below it!. And even if you did,
wasn't it obvious what the page was for?

Son Of Spy said:
Hi folks,

Many of you, no doubt, have been to my pages and seen
that I am now backing a presidential candidate...It has
meant long hours of work and a certain amount of dereliction
of duty re: my freeware website (which I plan to ameliorate soon) :)

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Everyone has been
very nice about it thus far. (I've always had my causes)...

But I wouldn't <<BE>> SOS if I didn't call your attention
to this page.


It means we're (the US) in trouble, deep trouble.
You may of course, draw your own conclusions...

Best Regards,

Son OF Spy

Kucinich probably won't win since he actually has something to say.
Only sleazebags make it to office, ones that are easily influenced by
interest groups with most money. Pea sized brain helps too (more easily
controlable by said interest groups). Turtle
"Meet the new boss. He's the same as the old boss!" The Who
Pretty Boy Edwards will probably win.
Rhetoric Works <--=New Bumper Sticker
Kucinich doesn't use it.
Perot didn't use it.
Continuing off topic...this is going to make some people very mad.

I almost always vote Republican in the general election, except when
for Sam Nunn while he was in the Senate. Now I often vote in the
Democrat primary, but for a specific reason: to try to keep a
particular Democrat from being nominated. That no doubt is considered
subversive and unpatriotic by many, but I am doing what I believe to
be the best for the country.

I voted against Clinton in two primaries. I'll go with Joe Leiberman
this time. I think Dean or Kerry (although I'm a little conflicted
on Senator Kerry, him being a decorated Vietnam vet) should not get
the nomination, because I differ with their opinions on how to fight
terrorism and their vision (manufactured, I think, in Dean's case) on
what is best for America. I will vote for President Bush in the
general election, along with some Democrats based on their performance
and principles.

This time my voting in the Democrat primary has an element that could
be considered as an honest reason. I admire Joe Leiberman., and I
believe believe that only he would be able to provide some really
good, honest, meaningful and thoughtful debate when the presidential
debates begin.

By the way, I guess I am a draft dodger, based on the way President
Bush has been portrayed. Let's see: he is said to have avoided
Vietnam by joining the National Guard, only becoming a fighter pilot,
presumably to protect Texas. Unlike his dad, who was a "real" fighter

In 1968, the Deeply Held Conviction to serve the USA by many of my
peers was to volunteer for the Air Force Reserve, but there was
allegedly a long waiting list and they got drafted. While in college
I was a USMC Reserve Lance Corporal for the purpose of attending
officer candidate school at Quantico, my draft board tried to draft
even me). I was released from the program a year after completing the
training, because my weak college grades set me back too far as to
projected graduation date.

Two weeks later, my draft notice appeared in the mailbox. I "dodged
the draft" by joining the US Navy. I didn't have to go to Vietnam and
risk my life. I chose to serve in a different war, the Cold War, to
help strategically protect the USA on a Fleet Ballistic Missile
submarine. On two boats, actually; I served for 7 years as a nuclear
reactor operator. I really felt for the guys in southeast Asia; For
77 days, continuously under water, without being to contact my wife
and daughter at home, I often thought how different the circumstances
could have been.

e-mail modified, take the ** out to reply!

Regards, TW
