OT Paypal Service

  • Thread starter Thread starter R. L.
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1) I am not still pissed. I was at one time, but the best thing for me
was to close my Paypal accounts. No one is bitter here. I moved oon. I
just warn people of the problems I HAD with Paypal.
2) I was robbed. Ask my bank. They have all the records.
3) Statistically, yes, likely, no. The password was set at a very high
level with numbers & letters (upper and lowercase)that was 15 characters
long, if I remember correctly. Paypal admitted it was an "sophisticated
scam". The lady I called stated that she was not at liberty to discuss
the details with me.
4) I recovered my loss because my bank did their job. With Paypal, it
was, "sorry it happened, well be in touch." They never were. I was
pretty upset, but that was last year. I simply choose not to do business
with them.
5) No I am not a Swede. I contract to a Swedish Company doing IT
Management. Reading header info is not always an accurate way to tell
where someone is. Fujitsu has offices in the US with the .jp domain.

I never once have fallen to "come to the website and fill in your
bank/password info" scams. I used Sam Spade to track sites before I ever
enter anything. I report phishers and Scammers to the FBI. How my account
was hacked is a mystery to me.

I can understand your wanting to defend Paypal, but it is falling on deaf
ears with me. You may as well ask me to change colors. :-)

I do not know of your particular problem (nor do I care). Still
pissed, join the class action suit and get your settlement share?
If you were "robbed" (in your opinion), most likely/statistically it
was a result of you having left access to your ID & password available
to unauthorized individuals (whether you are cognizant of how you did
or not).
If you recovered your loss, it is because companies like paypal have
insurance for such potential situations, or you have filed a claim
with your own insurance company which provides underwriting for claims
like these.
In either case, regardless of who "screwed up", your crap was resolved
via standard capitalist business and regulatory policies, procedures,
and practices; and all the paypalsucks.com rantings from the
(Swedish?) socialist world you're apparently a member of, does not
change this fact.

DanlK, FYI Services
Visit our re-opened eBay store @ http://tinyurl.com/35wgv !
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El Gee

Did you hear the one about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac?
He would stay up late every night and wonder if there was a dog.
Remove yourhat to reply ... but it may take a while.
Best to go to www (dot) mistergeek (dot) com and reply from there.
in said:
I hope there would be better options in the future. I think a
better option would be to have this kind of service run by a
more reputable bank of some kind rather than just a "company"
because if it is a bank it needs to run under certain fincial

I hope so too. According to the article in The Register which FYIS
posted, PayPal claim that the US Electronic Fund Transfer Act does not
apply to their business. That's enough to keep me away from PayPal,
though US laws may not be a concern to you cheque-writing
eurosocialists. ;)
In »Q« posted:
I hope so too. According to the article in The Register which FYIS
posted, PayPal claim that the US Electronic Fund Transfer Act does not
apply to their business. That's enough to keep me away from PayPal,
though US laws may not be a concern to you cheque-writing
eurosocialists. ;)

Neither does the EFT Act probably apply to Western Union or US Postal
Service wire transfers, that's cuz they are not banks. However, that
does not mean US transfer agent companies are not under FTC rules and
regulations, as well as individual State licensing statutes
http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/ir/licenses-outside .

DanlK, FYI Services
Visit our re-opened eBay store @ http://tinyurl.com/35wgv !
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"R. L."

I hope so too. According to the article in The Register
which FYIS posted, PayPal claim that the US Electronic Fund
Transfer Act does not apply to their business. That's
enough to keep me away from PayPal,

Yes. I one time (long while ago) tried to set up a PayPal
account myself because I was thinking to do some oversea money
sending. When I came to the registration part that actaully
asked me to give out my bank account number and information
(to receive payment), I backed off.

I said to myself I would only do this if one day I set up an
entirely seperate bank account just for this if I have to, but
there is no way I would give out my own regular bank account
information "just like that". Well, then I went back to my
bank and do my one time money transferring the old way :-)

Btw, I saw this one:


I actually don't know how good this one is (it is not for
money transferring per se, but more for people who want to
sell digital content - e.g., software). I actually test
through the registration process to see what kind of
information I need to give out. It might be a bit more
expensive than Paypal (I don't know how much Paypal really
charges anyway), but the way they do it is that they will
receive the payment for your product selling and actually send
a cheque to an address you specified so it doesn't ask you any
bank account information. But of course, there is still a
risk to it because you need to give them, if you are in US,
your SSN, which would often put one at risk for ID theft. I
also read their "contract", it looks less complicated than the
PayPal one, too.

though US laws may not
be a concern to you cheque-writing eurosocialists. ;)

lol "euro-socialists"...never know where does that even come
from, but sounds sophisticated enough that maybe everyone
shall wish that they were one :-D

Unofficial Adaware Updater (+other goodies)
Pricelessware voting annual results and information:
R. L. said:
»Q« <[email protected]> says in

lol "euro-socialists"...never know where does that even come
from, but sounds sophisticated enough that maybe everyone
shall wish that they were one :-D

It's an honory title you get when you 'forget' to put this html code on your
web page:

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript

You can put 'e-s' in front of your name, so IMHO it's very cool.
I probably shouldn't have said this, but, well, I did...

BobS said:
Now there's a prime example..... Just what freeware are you talking about
here John ?

There's a major difference between being off topic by discussing a
subject other than software (lots of people do it here and the group
concensus seems to be that it's okay in limited amounts) and talking
about software that isn't freeware.

It's a common sense kind of thing, if you can grasp that. Also notice
that the OP put "OT" in the subject line.

Now.... I wonder why my killfile didn't filter out your post. Oh well,
I'll make another rule.
FYIS.org/estore said:
In ms posted:

Well, there certainly aren't going to be any newsgroups devoted to the
successes with PayPal!
Try epinion.com for those. Suggest you not believe everything you read
on the internet/usenet; like I said, sounz like sour grapes Sellers.

Btw, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I sell ya cheap!
DanlK, FYI Services
Visit our re-opened eBay store @ http://tinyurl.com/35wgv !
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Realize that your opinion is just that, no more.

Mike Sa
R. L. said:
Part of me feels that it simply doesn't worth it to give out
my credit card information on the Internet just for a small
amount purchase through a service like this (especially for a
donation or something). If possible, I rather send a check to
a post office mail box rather than going through paypal.
I agree, risky to use credit card info or personal check. Another safer way is to
pay with USPS Postal money order, accepted everywhere, or Western Union money
order for international orders. As I said in the thread, Bidpay has seemed to be
trouble free.

Mike Sa
I agree, risky to use credit card info or personal check.
Another safer way is to pay with USPS Postal money order,
accepted everywhere, or Western Union money order for
international orders. As I said in the thread, Bidpay has
seemed to be trouble free.

Mike Sa

Hey, I went to Bidpay and looked around, seems to be a pretty
good option, too if the trade is auction oriented. It is
always good to be aware of more options anyway. Although I am
not, but if I were running a site that would need to receive
some kind of payment, I certainly wouldn't mind to give my
potiential "customers" to have more payment options anyway (I
indeed just today went into a donationware site, of which the
author offers more than one option to donate: either PayPal
and Regsoft. I think that is good).

Unofficial Adaware Updater (+other goodies)
Pricelessware voting annual results and information:
In John Corliss posted:

Hogwash, they have been investigated, see
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/07/29/paypal_class_settlement/ !
Just a small bunch of disatified users who don't know how to read
Terms & Conditions, and who probably shouldn't be allowed to enter
into any financial transaction.
I've used PayPal for years with minimal problems all of which were a
result of my misunderstanding or error.
PayPal has had its share of class action lawsuits and has entered
dispute resolution settlements, all of which imo does nothing to
detract from an eBay company that provides a great service with
cost-effective funtionality (and no competitor that comes even

For full disclosure, an eBay (owner of PayPal) stockholder,
DanlK, FYI Services
Visit our re-opened eBay store @ http://tinyurl.com/35wgv !

This kind of crap is exactly why I refuse to have anything
to do with a "service" like PayPal.

There's no way in heck I would give any sort of personal information
to a outfit that has people like this guy defending them.
I won't debate with you. There WERE newsgroups devoted to problems
with Paypal.
Before you defend it, search for the problems and see what users
say. I never had
a problem with it as I never used it in 2 years on Ebay. My OP was
about what
others had experienced, and some of my buyers confirmed it.

Don't waste your time with this guy. You're looking at an idiot
who most likely ran out and bought as many shares of SCO as he
could when he heard that SCO was suing IBM because he thought
IBM was going to lie down and let the con artists from SCO walk
all over them.

Imagine his shock when IBM (to the great joy of the Linux community)
basically told SCO to go to hell and they (IBM) would provide the
In R. L. posted:

Suggest you take the PayPal FAQ tour.

I don't assume usenet is usa only, I am am well aware that a
eurosocialists majority reside here. How else can you socialists
survive but with the free giveways from the capitalists. <eg>
I thought Dresdner (among others) had online banking/bill paying:
If 95% of euro is still using paper checks, g-d help your economy in
the futire!

Yeah *DAMN* those paper checks and postal money orders.
Why without them people couldn't prove in a courtroom they
actually *PAID* somebody like you for something.
In Chris Lee posted:

This kind of crap is exactly why I refuse to have anything
to do with a "service" like PayPal.

There's no way in heck I would give any sort of personal information
to a outfit that has people like this guy defending them.

That's OK, even without you, my (and the rest of us') ebay stock is up
23.00% YTD as of 7/29.
Paypal must be doing something right without you as a customer!

DanlK, FYI Services
Visit our re-opened eBay store @ http://tinyurl.com/35wgv !
Don't forget to put this html code on your web page:
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript
Neither does the EFT Act probably apply to Western Union or US
Postal Service wire transfers, that's cuz they are not banks

I take it that the 'probably' indicates YANAL. Me either, but I'll go
with: The Electronic Fund Transfer Act probably does apply to PayPal
and Western Union and the USPS, that's cuz they provide EFT services.

The case brought against PayPal which was recently settled was based on
applying the EFTA to them, and you said you were sure the case had
merit. If the EFTA did not apply to them, there's no reason to think
the case had any merit. If they are sued again under the provisions of
the EFTA, I reckon they will wind up paying again.

I hope that you are right that they have been and are cleaning up their
act. Time will tell.