ncc <
[email protected]> wrote in message
Forget Opera..... go with Avant. It's much better.
Avant IS Internet Explorer (and by the way, very inferior to its
cousin MyIE2), and this means that it is slow and full of security
holes. Opera is a browser on its own. The ad retrieving will not stole
nothing of your bandwith. It only gets them once at a period of time
(a week or so, I don't know), and the in the new 7.50 beta the ad is
reduced to a very small "toolbar", almost unpercetable.
I'm on 56k and using Opera since version 4 and I can say it is WAY
faster than any other browser in existence. With version 7 there are
only a few percentage of pages which don't display correctly in Opera,
so I'd recommend anyone to give Opera a look.
Also, the people developing it deserves some respect, as they were
the ones who popularized many things which are being adopted by IE
shells and various Mozilla appearances, such as integrated search
fields, mouse gestures, note keeper, etc.
This is a page which helps discovering many of Opera's hidden
treasures. It helps very much to the novice:
I'm nothig such an anti-Microsoft fanatic Opera user. Just wanted to
point somethings I found to be undeniable in my computer user