Steven said:Whats annoying me the most is, before going back to AOHell dial-up, it
worked perfectly.
If your AOL is later than 6, I would suggest uninstalling and
reinstalling 6.
Steven said:Whats annoying me the most is, before going back to AOHell dial-up, it
worked perfectly.
jo said:If your AOL is later than 6, I would suggest uninstalling and
reinstalling 6.
Me said:
Steven said:AOHell 5 ;o)
1,2,3,4,6,7 = crap....
8,9 = crashes my PC
POKO said:Steven,
See post reL2004 Category Addition Request - maybe he can rectify your
Steven Burn said:Okay, the basic jist is, I've had to go back to AOHell dial-up
temporarily due to my leaving the crappy Tiscali.
Steven Burn said:Okay, the basic jist is, I've had to go back to AOHell dial-up temporarily
due to my leaving the crappy Tiscali.
Unfortunately this has created a rather huge problem....... I'm unable to
use my mail server.
Whilst it worked for a bit, the AOL software has completely and utterly
screwed my mail server up and thus, I am now getting DNS Server (10004 -
Interrupted function call) errors.
What I'm now having to look for is an SMTP server that I can use externally
(i.e. not located on the same PC as this piece of sh** AOHell) as at
present, I can receive e-mail, but cannot send it (quite the nightmare to
say the least).
Anyone have any suggestions please?
Oh and before anyone mentions them, GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo and the crappy AOL
mail are not an option (don't trust em)
Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group
Keeping it FREE!
jo said:Nice to know that in the midst of all the current crap that this group
is having to try to get out of, that there is some petty minded
bastard monitoring all posts for signs of divergence from the one true
junklee1 said:Hello,
No idea what you are on about but eudora works with aol
John said:Well, I'll tell you what, why don't we all just talk about anything we
like? Why not change the name of this ****in' group to
alt.comp.software, you stupid shit?
By the way, welcome to my killfile, punk or punkess (whichever applies
to you.)
Hi Steven, Have you tried Lan Suite?Steven Burn said:Eudora is a mail _client_, I'm in need of a mail _server_ ;o)
burnr said:Hi Steven, Have you tried Lan Suite?
I used it as a sharing solution before but never really used the email
John Corliss said:Well, I'll tell you what, why don't we all just talk about anything we
like? Why not change the name of this ****in' group to
alt.comp.software, you stupid shit?
By the way, welcome to my killfile, punk or punkess (whichever applies
to you.)
Tar said:Hey JohnBoy! I see you be still trying to win friends and influence people.
You da man! You be bad!
I don't know if this will help or not and your problem may be solvedSteven said:Okay, the basic jist is, I've had to go back to AOHell dial-up temporarily
due to my leaving the crappy Tiscali.
Unfortunately this has created a rather huge problem....... I'm unable to
use my mail server.
Whilst it worked for a bit, the AOL software has completely and utterly
screwed my mail server up and thus, I am now getting DNS Server (10004 -
Interrupted function call) errors.
What I'm now having to look for is an SMTP server that I can use
externally (i.e. not located on the same PC as this piece of sh** AOHell)
as at present, I can receive e-mail, but cannot send it (quite the
nightmare to say the least).
Anyone have any suggestions please?
Oh and before anyone mentions them, GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo and the crappy
AOL mail are not an option (don't trust em)
....but fastmail.fm is a perfectly good & trustworthy web mail providerOh and before anyone mentions them, GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo and the crappy AOL
mail are not an option (don't trust em)