That's what I said. But I have to correct myself. The legal actions taken
against individuals concerning filesharing are all against people making
files available, not against people downloading them. That doesn't mean
downloading is legal, downloading copyrighted materials is illegal.
It makes sense that 'they' are aiming for the individuals that share files,
because one shared file may be downloaded by a zillion individuals. And one
lawsuit is easier and cheaper than a zillion lawsuits.
Naturally, if someone is doing somethig criminal then there may be
repercussions. On the other hand, I am intrigued by what other posters
in this thread appear to be saying - you can download mp3 files ok but
you can't make mp3 files available for upload. Have I understood this
That's what I said. But I have to correct myself. The legal actions taken
against individuals concerning filesharing are all against people making
files available, not against people downloading them. That doesn't mean
downloading is legal, downloading copyrighted materials is illegal.
It makes sense that 'they' are aiming for the individuals that share files,
because one shared file may be downloaded by a zillion individuals. And one
lawsuit is easier and cheaper than a zillion lawsuits.