<< JT, in your original post you sounded like you were just curious in an
way about how and why IT projects fail. Now though you are sounding more
like someone who has been badly burned recently. Is this correct? If
so, this makes me curious about your POV - developer, architect, project
manager, product manager, innocent bystander or . . . ?
Are you referring to JT or the the original poster? I'm the latter.
To answer your question, I was the "technical lead" (that's the title they
gave to me anyway) on a large system at a large company. The system was
great. Me and another guy architected then built it from scratch (designed
the database, wrote all the code, and lead a team of support developers to
complete the implementation). We delivered, hit our Y2K deadline with room
to spare, and life was good for a couple of years. Then new management
came in and they wanted [a system] like ours that had - say 14 features.
We went to them with "good news" and said we already had 11 of those
features and the remaining could be added within 9 months (a perfectly
acceptable time line to them). Strangely, a few of us who knew how easily
the existing system could be extended to meet all desires/needs got
railroaded out of town. After I left they ended up budgeting millions of
dollars for a complete new/replacement system. Fast forward 2.5 years to
the present. They just canned the whole new system and completely migrated
back to the one I had left them with years before. In fact they never
completely migrated OFF of my system. In other words they are part of the
35% that fail (in their case both over budget and way over deadline). They
even hired an outside consulting firm to come in and advise on how to fix
the replacement system. The outside firm basically told them it could not
be fixed. In essence - they totally failed. Then last week Ballmer
presents his 35% failure rate and I do some research to see who else is
saying that. Until learning that this sort of huge failure happens all the
time, I had chalked up my former client's situation to the particular
organization. But if it's happening all them time, then come on - there's
more going on than just bad planning or poor project management. I think
it's plain and simple *greed* at practically all levels that may be the
"Super Explanation" from which the poor planning and managemnet and
communication etc flow. Yes, all those other things happen all the time.
But come on. They are continually *allowed* to happen. Why are they
allowed to happen all the time? Greed - IMO.
Please don't think this thread is all about any old grudge. I'm several
years removed from all that. I was just surprised to see that it happens
in many organizations OTHER than the one I was in. That's why I'm looking
to my peers here in these NGs to learn what you are all seeing. I think I
have to ask you because if I were to just listen to academia and big
consulting firms or software vendors peddling their Team solutions then
I'd be lead to believe that we just need to communicate better; test
earlier; test more systematically; have UML save the day; organize
ourselves into 2-person developer teams (i.e. Extreme methodologies). etc.
But none of those address greed and the associated desire (unconscious
perhaps) for systems to go over budget and beyond deadline or ultimately
Thanks for your feedback.