Ben said:
I suppose a 'nice' Billy Gates would be one that provides
billions of dollars of humanitarian aid through a charitable
foundation -
Imagine you buy a new BMW and they tell you that only YOU and nobody
else ever is allowed to drive it ...
The worst of BG's activities, and I think that is really dangerous, is
creating a monopole in stock photography. Nobody on earth holds only the
half of copyrights on all kinds of historical and contemporary
photography than Since ten years his agents sat in all
photography auctions worldwide and bought one famous collection after
the other.
His dream was, whenever a school kid around the world clicks on a famous
picture, it has to pay, or at least his school has to pay. Education for
those who can afford it. Wonderful.
BG's philosophy was and is to make money with nearly everything you can
click on 'online'. His philosopy fits into the time, where most
Americans are quite sure to be the one and only, the graetest people on
earth. No wonder that courts around the world were and are busy with
cases against this philosophy that makes it hard for competitors to
exist ...