OT: Firefox Buggier than IE: Which is Safer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas A. Rowe
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One won't do it, he needs several

Craig Schiller said:
I think you should follow Huey Lewis' suggestion and try to find a new drug. The
old one(s) are clearly not doing the job.

See what I mean. You got it all figured out.

Lets do a fer instance.

Fer instance, ever watch the History Channel?
Ever hear an older German being interviewed on the History Channel asked why
the Germans did such terrible things to the Jews? What was the answer?

The answer is ALWAYS one of the three and only one of the three: "because of
what the Jews did to the German people before, during, and after WWI."

Ooopsie Daisy. The Holocaust Channel is apparently owned and controlled by
Zionist Jews so here's the hook...

What did the Jews do to the German people before, during and after WWI?

Silence, Repression of Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, Silence, Repression
of Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, Silence, Repression of Inquiry, Plausible
Deniability, Silence, Repression of Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, Silence,
Repression of Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, Silence, Repression of
Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, Silence, Repression of Inquiry, Plausible
Deniability, Silence, Repression of Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, Silence,
Repression of Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, Silence, Repression of
Inquiry, Plausible Deniability, and you should all become aware of something
in this regard.

At this very moment the traitorous pigs in the US Congress are supporting
the Jewish Mossad in the Bush cabinet and administration who are about to
pass a so-called hate crimes law [1] that will end free speech in America as
it has throughout Europe, Australia and Canada where the Jews have made the
use and discussion of the Christian Bible a crime and have begun putting
people into prison again for egregious crimes such as discussing the
revelation of documents that alleged to prove certain Jewish allegations
regarding WWII have been false or Chrisitans preaching homosexuality is
wrong or simply proselytizing for which the Jewish Satanists will imprison
anybody caught doing so.

Within a year or so none of us will be allowed to discuss these topics or
one or more of us can very well likely be sent to prison just like the
Germans tried to tell the world the Jews were doing (and more) before,
during, and after WWI.

The truth becomes hate for those that hate the truth and the truth is
Churchill and other Zionist Jews of that era were persecuting many peoples
for a long time; terror, tyrrany, beatings, murders, economic deprivation,
the whole nine yards so yes, in a manner of speaking Adolph Hitler was
courageous to defy those who we have been told were the good guys.

Ghandi chose to sit on his @ss and get his skull cracked open while his
fellow women and children were raped and murdered by Churchill's soldiers
while Hitler decided to fight back and try to kill every one of the
mother*ckers he could get his hands on.

The crescendo is building once again and as before few will care to pay
attention or simply can not hear the music.

<%= Clinton Gallagher
METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/

[1] http://truthtellers.org/

Werld History According to Clinton?
Courageous Hitler?

Clinton's gone over the edge.

| Good grief. Clinton, get a grip....
| --
| Murray
| ============
| | > Winston Churchill was a fat evil bastard who had tens of thousands of
| > Indians beaten. Many men, women and children were murdered out right
| > attempted to force India to become submissive to British colonization.
| > Surely you guys have heard of a guy named Mohatma Ghandi? Who do you
| > Ghandi opposed and why? Hello?
| >
| > It was only the efforts of the courageous Adolph Hitler who
| > Britian's acts of terror and tyrrany and for damn good reason. Most of
| > think and believe we know what happened during that era but I ask you
| > to consider that it is the victor that writes history.
| >
| > The governments of the US, Britain, and the Zionist Jews are evil and
| > serve Satan (literally with more on this later if you want real
| > Most of the people of these nations are gleefully involved and think
| > I just said is nonsense. It is our own people in the US, the so-called
| > heros supposedly fighting for freedom in Iraq that are evil or tacitly
| > agree to serve evil. Their goal is to force the people of the world to
| > come under the rule of one world government which will serve an
| > anti-christ which will rule the world from Jerusalem. You've heard
| > this I am sure.
| >
| > Its never to late to wake up and the first thing I would ask is you
| > at least wake up about Winston Churchill and stop honoring his fat
| > @ss. He's the wrong guy you want to emulate in any context.
| >
| > <%= Clinton Gallagher
| > METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
| > NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
| > URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
| > URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | >> He also said to Lady Astor who told him he was drunk -
| >>
| >> "I'll be sober in the morning, but you will still be ugly!"
| >>
| >> --
| >> Murray
| >> ============
| >>
| >> | >>> The article makes at least one good point: Microsoft is constantly
| >>> accused of security vulnerabilites of various types, but when you
| >>> compare their software the competition, it comes out about the same
| >>> better, in almost all areas. The Windows OS, in particular, is
| >>> the most secure OS in the world.
| >>>
| >>> It's like Winston Churchill once said: "Democracy is the worst form
| >>> gevernment. Except for all the other forms that have been tried."
| >>>
| >>> --
| >>> ;-),
| >>>
| >>> Kevin Spencer
| >>> Microsoft MVP
| >>> .Net Developer
| >>> Big things are made up of
| >>> lots of little things.
| >>>
| >>> | >>>> The one that's currently not under attack?
| >>>>
| >>>> --
| >>>> Murray
| >>>> ============
| >>>>
| >>>> | >>>>> http://www.esecurityplanet.com/prevention/article.php/3550746
| >>>>>
| >>>>> --
| >>>>> ==============================================
| >>>>> Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| >>>>> ==============================================
| >>>>> If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
| >>>>> a Service Pack or security update, please contact
| >>>>> Microsoft Product Support Services:
| >>>>> http://support.microsoft.com
| >>>>> If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
| >>>>> security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
| >>>>> ==============================================
| >>>>>
| >>>>>
| >>>>>
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>
| >>
| >
| >
<snip />

The topic escalated because I made comments about the misplaced admiration
of one of the most evil politicians this century has known; Winston

Its also interesting to note that the real haters hate the truth and will do
just about anything to make the truth known or to avoid discussing the truth
even to the extent of bringing forth new truths which may help others learn
how they may have been misled or otherwise mistaken.

This phoney posturing conducted by those that hate the truth and the
persecution of those that seek the truth was recently most evident to the
masses throughout the US when the commentator Bill Maher lost his job for
posing the same philosophical premise regarding 'courage' as I have.

In any event, I have no further comments.

<%= Clinton Gallagher
METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/

| On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:51:54 -0500, "JIMCO Software"
| [snip]
| >To me, the choice is crystal clear.
| You can't mean ... Opera? :)
| fido
You are an idiot. Hitler was a sexual deviant who wouyls have sex with his
niece and have woman urinate and sh*t on him. Churchill was a genius, Hitler
was a incestoues perverted madman. You must be also if you think he is
anything but a sicko
you are a F*cking idiot:
I do however believe we have more information that indicates some 20
million plus Christians and others were murdered by the Bolshevik Jews
during that same era. Have you heard of Ernst Zundel? Again, right or wrong
the Bolshevik's underLenin and later Stalin were anti zionists. Dumb *ss

clintonG said:
No, I've never been anywhere. I've learned practically everything I think I
know watching "Saving Pvt. Ryan" on TV and watching the Holocaust Channel
but I have actually read a few books here and there and have heard many
personal testimonies thanks to the Internet and streaming audio so I am at a
loss in this regard but note nowhere did I say or even imply US soldiers
were evil to oppose and defeat Hitler. All I am saying is he was courageous
to fight against tyrrany and terror which we all know he himself adopted in
his attempt to prevail.

So why is it then you apologize for Churchill by stating "Yes, Churchill had
his faults ..." when we know he too conducted his affairs the same way but
not afford the same to contemporary evil in the guise of men such as Hitler,
Hussein, Bush Crime Family, Blair, Sharon and others? Do you confuse courage
with morality?

Was buring to death hundreds of thousands of "bishops, priests, nuns,
preachers, mayors, professors, and doctors" as well as women, children the
aged and infirm living in Dresden what you call Churchill's leadership?
Do I dare ask you to justify Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The facts are all of
them were evil or are soon driven to evil.

As I understand it, most of what we have been told about Auschwitz has been
discovered to be a fraud and I think it easy to fool tourists in any event.
Like the so-called myth that Hitler murdered 6 million Jews. I've only been
able to see the terrible acts on the Holocaust Channel and can not deny that
activity occurred but to what actual extent?

Most would say one is too many to to be murdered which I would feel
compelled to agree but I do not believe 6 million Jews were killed by
Hitler. I do however believe we have more information that indicates some 20
million plus Christians and others were murdered by the Bolshevik Jews
during that same era. Have you heard of Ernst Zundel? Again, right or wrong
he is also a courageous man.

Any schools and other such institutions the US is building in Iraq are those
Bush Sr. destroyed in the first place. Hussein was and is to be credited for
building schools and hospitals in Iraq. In fact in the 1980s when I was in
college Iraqis were all over the US and doing exceedingly well in our
schools as were Iranians. I once sat on the floor and ate with them as is
their custom and we had many discussions in the commons. Unlike Jews and
Saudis Hussein allowed Christians to worship and proselityze. The
contemporary history I know about Iraq is that heard from the testimony of
others which is a history of the US building prisons and military bases as
they assist the Jews to bring the next anti-christ to power to rule from

Finally, with mention of Normandy I have often discussed the Normandy
American Cemetary [1] and live for the day when the US government will
attempt to rule those grave markers are unconstitutional as they are in fact
on soil deeded to the US government and are maintained using our tax
dollars. So far Michael Newdow has not dared to take this issue to the court
of public opinion.

<%= Clinton Gallagher
METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/

[1] http://battlefieldsww2.50megs.com/normandy_american_cemetery.htm

Uncle Joe said:
Yes, Churchill had his faults but without his leadership,
and without the America army, air force, and navy,
Britain and Western Europe would be under Nazi
domination to this day.

Courageous Adolph Hitler?!!! Clinton, you have
completely gone off the deep end. Yes, History
is written by the victors, but Hitler was so proud
of his legacy that he had most of his atrocities
photographed and/or filmed. He left us a rich
treasure of historical evidence proving what he
and the Third Reich were really about.

Have you ever visited the Auschwitz concentration
camp? I have. Your courageous Adolph Hitler
killed over six million in such camps. This doesn't
include the millions he killed in Poland, Russia,
and the Balkans. He killed bishops, priests,
nuns, preachers, mayors, professors, and doctors,
among many others. He had people killed or
imprisoned simply because they wore glasses and
were therefore assumed to be part of the intelligentsia.

Have you ever walked the beaches of Normandy
and witnessed the debris of war, where over
4,000 of our soldiers died trying to breach the
"walls" of courageous Adolph Hitler's western
front on D-Day? I have. Have you toured the
American and British cemeteries of Normandy?
It might be enlightening for you. Those men
gave their lives for freedom. And with Freedom
comes responsibility. Freedom is not free. One
must be willing to defend and promote it.

You may consider American soldiers--then and
now--evil but the irrefutable truth is that they
freed Europe, Africa, and the nations and
islands of the Pacific from tyranny. And
although I've turned against the Iraqi war, we
are accomplishing good things there: schools,
sewer systems, transportation, governmental
reforms and so forth.

There is not a single socially-redeeming thing
about courageous Adolph Hitler and his
regime. Do you seriously think that had
Hitler conquered Western Europe, and turned
his attentions to India, that he would have
embraced the Indian nation? Not a chance.
He would have killed hundred of millions of
Indians. If people were not Aryan and part
of the Master Race, they were dispatched.
Pure and simple.

I'd be the last to defend British colonial rule in
India and other nations. My father was the
American harbormaster of Dacca, India.
during World War II. The stories he told
of Indian life would almost reduce him to tears.
There was one caste that was so low that
they were banned the use of fire, on pain
of death. This was enforced by other
Indians, not the British. People starved to
death on sidewalks while British and
American officers were treated like Gods.
But Hitler had absolutely nothing to do
with freeing the Indian People. Britain was
so weakened by World War II that it
couldn't maintain/afford its colonial rule.
Yes Sir, I am sorry, biut I have had to deal with idiots loke this clinton
all of my life and I won't take it. I apoligize for my outburts.