Opinions of Vista - Good & Bad



Hi - What is everyone's opinion of Vista and (very important) why? I am
thinking of buying a new computer with Vista on it. I've heard some people
don't like Vista but I'm wondering why. Is anyone out there happy with Vista
and why? Thanks!


Its not ready yet microsoft shoud have held bacck about two years before
launching it and then they may have got it right

Bill Yanaire

Start reading the thousands of posts here and you will get more opinions
than you can shake a stick at!

P. Di Stolfo


this is a very big question, with a simple answer for me.
I like Vista, better than XP. I'm happy with it because of its new design,
its new and updated features (the Start Menu, the Control Panel, the
Calendar, the Media Center, the Drive Encryption feature, and especially the
Sidebar, and its more and bigger networking overview).
I don't know which of these features you will get in the Vista version you
will purchase.

P. Di Stolfo


niagara94 said:
Hi - What is everyone's opinion of Vista and (very important) why? I am
thinking of buying a new computer with Vista on it. I've heard some people
don't like Vista but I'm wondering why. Is anyone out there happy with Vista
and why? Thanks!
It's a great OS as long as you know what you're doing and your hardware
is sufficient.
Much better than XP or any version of linux.


Some things are better than in XP but I am sure that MS should have
implemented them in a service pack.

Vista does not deliver the overwhelming different way of working, it is an
improved XP version - nothing more !

Would I suggest to spend money on it if you already have XP ? NO


It is 30% slower than XP on a dual boot system (ie identical hardware).
The only good thing there is about Vista is the calendar.

Mike Brannigan

niagara94 said:
Hi - What is everyone's opinion of Vista and (very important) why? I am
thinking of buying a new computer with Vista on it. I've heard some
don't like Vista but I'm wondering why. Is anyone out there happy with
and why? Thanks!

Best not to come to a support newsgroup for a view on if something is good
or bad.
The majority of people here have a problem - there are however million so of
happy users out there.

Think - you would not go stand in a doctors waiting room to decide if the
human race was fit and healthy

Go read some more balanced review of the product by reputable reviewers on
quality sites.


Thank you everyone who replied. Mike - which sites would you suggest going
to for balanced reviews? Thanks!


In general you're corret - Vista is slower than XP or even Win 2K.
However there are some good parts of Vista too. It's a matter of
opinion which OS is better WinXP or Vista. I'd go for a newer
one rather. So for me Vista is better.


niagara94 said:
Hi - What is everyone's opinion of Vista and (very important) why? I am
thinking of buying a new computer with Vista on it. I've heard some
don't like Vista but I'm wondering why. Is anyone out there happy with
and why? Thanks!

There are lots of "early adopter" issues right now - flaky drivers,
application compatibility, etc. but these are to be expected for a new OS.

It's a fabulous product that will only get better as time goes on, Service
Packs are released, and hardware vendors (drivers) and app vendors get up to



Hi all,
I had enough of Vista. I tried to copy a file from an external HD to C-drive
and it took ages. I can't believe this kind of basic stuff is so broken in
commercial OS.
I wiped my HD claean and installed UBUNTU LINUX. I think this is the most
intelligent move I have done in my entire life. Ubuntu is just working and
really great!
Just forget about Vista and Microsoft and discover a new and better world
with Linux! I Think Linus Torwalds should receive Nobel prize for his
contribution for the human kind. At the same time BillGates should be ashamed.





The man from Finland! said:
Hi all,
I had enough of Vista. I tried to copy a file from an external HD to
and it took ages. I can't believe this kind of basic stuff is so broken in
commercial OS.
I wiped my HD claean and installed UBUNTU LINUX.

UNBUTTONED is *so* last year. Try PCLinuxOS. It's This Year's Model.



I think it loads much more smoothly and quickly than XP and it looks
finished unlike XP... but Vista eats up so much more RAM and memory and it
was incredibly slow to start off with. Oh and some things don't work in
Vista because of the drivers haven't been updated for the products,
including the Nintendo USB Wifi connector.


Hi Mike,

I haven't tried PCLinuxOS yet. I'm happy with Ubuntu currently. Maybe some
day. I'm sure it's better than Vista in any case.


Jay Somerset

Hi - What is everyone's opinion of Vista and (very important) why? I am
thinking of buying a new computer with Vista on it. I've heard some people
don't like Vista but I'm wondering why. Is anyone out there happy with Vista
and why? Thanks!

If you are a devoted user of Win2K or XP, then you may not like
Vista's new look & feel, including the "ribbon" motif in Office 2007.
If you have the latest and greatest, bleeding-edge peripherals, the
Vista drivers may not yet be up to scratch.

But, if you are a bit more tolerant of change, and have the patience
to learn new ways of doing some things, and are willing to hunt around
a bit to find your favorite menu item or tool tab, then you may well
learnt to actualy like some of Vista's "new look".

Personally, I approached Vista with a good deal of skepticism and
doubt, but have been pleasantly surprised. Mine (on a new HP laptop)
has been rock stable, with none of the "grievous faults" that some
others have reported. A few minor annoyances and frustrations when I
couldn't figure out how to do some simple things with Win2K that were
very useful, but with a little help from the NG, I usually was able to
find how to go about things.

On balance, I'm not unhappy with Vista, although I did disable the
very annoying "big brother" that asked my permission to do just about
anything. Some of the new diagnostic/help tools actually work pretty
well, and have saved me having to post many questions on the NGs.

However, I do have Win2K available on an older system, as a backup,
and a dual-boot Ubuntu system on the laptop, so that my files can be
accessed by an alternate route just in case the worst happens. :)

[ OK flamers -- I've opened up the door and am expecting broadsides
from both sides of the fence. :)( ] "Bring 'em on!"


Jay Somerset said:
On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:22:04 -0700, niagara94
[ OK flamers -- I've opened up the door and am expecting broadsides
from both sides of the fence. :)( ] "Bring 'em on!"

Yeah, you'll be flamed by the Vista haters.


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