MSOffice compatible, there are still some flaws.
Therfore it is not that interesting if you're
planning for cross company use, since most other
companies rely compleetly on Microsoft Office
compatabilityclosed format. To me this means there will almost
always be incompatabilities. If this is a problem,
then you buy the expensive MS Office.
True, if that is your only concern, MS-office is
way to expensive and bloated for this kind of job,
and open office handels it just perfect. My
custommers, however, heavly depend on compatibility
with other businesses. Epsecialy on spreadsheats
and word documents. A lost document can mean the
cancellation of an order. This is indeed a reasen
to still choose for MS Office
Actually, there is compatibility problems between
MSOffice versions. A doc created in MSO97 may not
work in MSO2000, or XP. Going backwards, it is
even worse. Whereas, with OOo I have managed to
open every MSO doc with at most minor formatting
issues. Most importantly though is that I COULD
open the MSO doc when MSO could not. Add in the
native ability to create PDF files (Which MSO does
not have), for those who do not need a powerful
Database frontend (and if they do, there is plenty
of freeware/opensource options out there), OOo is
what I recommend. Especially if money is also a
factor, but even when it is not.