Blinky the Shark
Well, that's what we're being told -- that it's not freeware, and that
it's off-topic here, in a current thread that has the subject:
Financial Software Freeware and Abandonware
I think Open Office is an important (and good) piece of freeware as we
define freeware in alt.comp.freeware, and I'd hate to see this
discussion get buried in that thread -- which I think is happening
because the subject makes it look like it's only about someone looking
for "financial" freeware. It's not about that any more.
Can't move the discussion here, so I thought I'd just post a heads-up
under a more meaningful subject, and invite anyone with an interest in
this surprising news to check out the other thread.
it's off-topic here, in a current thread that has the subject:
Financial Software Freeware and Abandonware
I think Open Office is an important (and good) piece of freeware as we
define freeware in alt.comp.freeware, and I'd hate to see this
discussion get buried in that thread -- which I think is happening
because the subject makes it look like it's only about someone looking
for "financial" freeware. It's not about that any more.
Can't move the discussion here, so I thought I'd just post a heads-up
under a more meaningful subject, and invite anyone with an interest in
this surprising news to check out the other thread.