Olympic Logo?

crazylegs said:
Its not the logo that flickers Nvrip its the accompanying piece of film of swimmers diving into a pool that caused the Epyleptic siezures

Must admit that I've not actually seen the logo on TV.Was told it flickered but obviously not correct. Looks like the actual logo will remain then. Like your alternatives crazylegs, much better than the one we've got.

As to the price of it, I think it would be much better to go to a school, offer them a couple of grand and ask all the kids to come up with a design, pick one that is suitable and use that. It could not be worse than the one we're saddled with and everybody gains (except the design consultants, who probably don't need, or deserve the money they get).
I've just seen the video on youtube of the diving scene that caused the fits - I honestly can't understand how they thought it wouldn't do that? I won't post the link for obvious reasons, but the colour flickering is really quite bad!!
To the prolotariat this does look like a load of utter pooh . However to the rich well educated people who realy understand the finer points of the cutting edge design this is a masterpiece . You poor people will never see what they see , why ? Well you can't afford the vast ammount of champagne and coke needed to see the subtle nuances of this stunning masterpiece . So get back to work , pay more taxes and do your bit for god and country .
I think that is absolutely hideous but then the one they chose for our 2010 Olympics is ridiculous too.

I think the simple London one would have been more to the point and probably less money.

This is the dumb one we got...........

(dumb because the artwork depicts something that isn't even native to our geographic area but rather more appropriate for Eskimos)


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