Olympic Logo?


Feb 23, 2002
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What do you all think of the 2012 London Olympics logo?


I really don't want to know how much that cost :eek: There's a bit more on the BBC about the design process.
Saw a bit on the news about this last night, I personally thinks its awful. :(
Same here - I really don't get it. I had to think about it before I realised it said 2012 - they've tried to be a bit too clever and made quite a boring logo IMO.
The objective here was to make the emblem inclusive, so it can talk to anyone ...
err, sorry, I can't 'see' what is says :confused:

What a load of crap!!!

What a messy logo that is - and as for it being able to "talk to everyone" hmph! It falls on deaf ears here. A big thumbs-down :(
I think they went to the same design house as the Conservative party.

A design house run by 7 year olds.
It looks a little like the signs you saw in public buildings in the late fifties/early sixties but some of those signs back then were actually quite good.

That new sign looks like a bowl of cat sick, not inspiring at all.
It's a hard one, cause as a country, we do like to be critical don't we? However, you're all right, this is just total sh*te. And what i'd like to know, is how can you justify £400,000 to come up with it? If they said it cost £50,000 to come up with it i'd think that was a lot of money, how can it cost 400k?????

Floppybootstomp said:
That new sign looks like a bowl of cat sick, not inspiring at all.

:lol: ... Our four moggies regularly produce regurgitations which are far more artistic than that!! :cool: :lol:
WTF!? thatt got to be the worst logo i've ever seen!!

i think we should stick with the old rings
To be honest I think its awful...And reminds me of something that I would see spraypainted on the walls of an underpass, I certainly think it wouldn't look out of place in a car park or something..:(

My 8 year old Daughter could produce better I'm sure of it..

I still don't know what its trying to say as I cannot make out any wording in the Logo, It just looks like a couple of dancing figures..
I have been looking at it hoping that something appears out of the picture, like one of those magic 3d ones but Something did and you is not gonna like this when it gets out....Neither is the Olympic committee

To me it looks like It's a girl with big hair and a lot of earrings pleasuring a bloke in a 'London' T-shirt....:D

Ha I'm now never going to look at that Logo in the same light again..:nod:
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Or it could be that David Brent devised the Logo for a laugh...:D

crazylegs said:
To me it looks like It's a girl with big hair and a lot of earrings pleasuring a bloke in a 'London' T-shirt....:D

Try as I might, I just cannot make out what you suggest. I'll bet you have a super imagination (can I borrow it sometime?)
crazylegs said:
I have been looking at it hoping that something appears out of the picture, like one of those magic 3d ones but Something did and you is not gonna like this when it gets out....Neither is the Olympic committee

To me it looks like It's a girl with big hair and a lot of earrings pleasuring a bloke in a 'London' T-shirt....:D

Ha I'm now never going to look at that Logo in the same light again..:nod:

Ohmigod :eek: he's right :lol:

You do all realise of course that the random bits of jigsaw puzzle spell out '2012'?

Of course you do? Oh, alright, sorry bout dat :o
I think the biggest problem with this logo is the fact that it flickers. This can be a trigger for fits in some epileptics. It's possible that the flickering may have to be dropped or the whole thing may have to be changed much to the displeasure of Crazylegs.
Over on the Beeb website people have been sending in their own designs, and I'd say that they're all better than the actual one. You can see them all here


Although this is my personal favourite simple and to the point...


Its not the logo that flickers Nvrip its the accompanying piece of film of swimmers diving into a pool that caused the Epyleptic siezures
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I think this ones great aswell far better than the original and only 20 minutes in paintshop pro whilst eating a sausage roll and a coffee...Cheaper than £400,000


And this ones just really funny for all the people that don't want to be in London when the Olympics are on...:D And want to make a run for the nearest Exit..
