Rod Speed
Mitch Crane said:What, copying files to a directory? Opening a text file in notepad?
Those operations are trivial.
You dont know that they wont go faster than currently, ****wit child.
Mitch Crane said:What, copying files to a directory? Opening a text file in notepad?
Those operations are trivial.
You dont know that they wont go faster than currently, ****wit child.
I didnt.
Wrong, as always. Read his original post.
That is what he has already got.
HES GOT 64M NOW, cretin.
You're lying now.
Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
Rod said:[...]
Nope, adding more ram to the current board will produce a very acceptible
performance with the current board and will be much cheaper.
johannes said:Rod Speed wrote
Maybe cheaper,
but it's a dead end.
The money would be better spent towards a more modern system,
it can still be relatively cheap ~£100.
Then why did you recomend he get it.
Damn, you really have lost it.
*>>>>>> Unless OP finds a very limited supply of SIMMs, *
*>>>>>> he can just buy 2 x 32MB and try it with 64MB total, *
*>>>>>> buying a couple more SIMMs if it seems necessary. *
*>>>>> Duh. Thats what I said too. *
Duh, that's what you said, too.
Makes one wonder why you recomended he buy 64MB and try that.
He's already got it. What a maroon. Stop giving out advice. You suck at it.
I admit it. You obviously knew nothing of the sort. You were just
guessing. I was trying to be polite, because you seem so unstable.
There you go again--contradicting yourself.
Yes, I'm sure notepad will run like hellfire with that extra
uncachable 64MB on that outdated tagram deficient board.
The wasted time and money will be well
worth it to see notepad fly like the wind.
You dont know that he even uses notepad on that system, you pathetic
excuse for a bullshit artist.
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
I didnt.
Wrong, as always. Read his original post.
That is what he has already got.
HES GOT 64M NOW, cretin.
You're lying now.
Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
I didnt. He asked whether ADDING 64M TO THE CURRENT 64M
that he hadnt said whether the original were FP or EDO and said
how he could end up with 128M in either case.
We'll see...
I was just commenting on that last bit, adding a couple
more SIMMs if it seems necessary. He has ALREADY
decided that it seems necessary with 64M.
I pointed out that it wont affect the PLAYING of the music files but
that it would likely be more responsive when doing other maintenance.
Based on how 2K performs with 64M and 128M of ram.
Pity I never ever did.
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
Doesnt matter, its a dedicated jukebox, not a personal desktop
Nope, not when its a dedicated jukebox. All it needs is an acceptible
performance when manipulating the files etc. It will always play the
files properly.
Thats a hell of a lot more than just doubling the memory.
Good reason not to waste money sticking more RAM in the machine
to run an OS and an amount of RAM it supports very, very poorly.
Which is why it only needs the 64MB it has,
not the 64MB you think he should replace that 64MB with
and then later add another 64MB too.
You could have at least suggested he supplement
the new 64MB using the original 64MB
rather than throw working RAM away and buy more.
You wanted him to buy 128MB more, 64MB at a time.
Ok, doubling.
I forgot you never told him to put the original 64MB back in,
so I guess it doesn't count except in terms of cost. All for little or no gain
(and maybe even a loss in performance),
but what the hell, it's not your money.
Yes we did.
"try it with 64MB total"
Ron: Duh, that's what you said, too.
Yes, we saw. And you call other people liars.
Yeah, I know. You said in effect that notepad
and file copying would be noticeably faster with 128MB.
Or maybe you thought he'd manage his music
files using a 3D rendering app or Photoshop.
So your advice was that he should remove his
current 64MB and replace it with another 64MB
then if that was just as slow as the original 64MB
he could buy another 64MB to add to the 64MB
that didn't get faster the second time around.
Good advice. Oh, I know, you don't remember giving that advice.
Not surprising.
Pity you don't even know what it is you type.
Cute grammatically nonsenical catch phrase.
I guess that's what makes you "almost never wrong".
As far as you know.
Read your own posts.
On second thought, don't I wouldn't even recomend them to you.
The why would you suggest he throw it away and buy another 64MB.
Yeah. I'm lying. Right.
kony: Unless OP finds a very limited supply of SIMMs,
he can just buy 2 x 32MB and try it with 64MB total,
buying a couple more SIMMs if it seems necessary.
Ron: Duh. Thats what I said too.
That wasn't you who replied, "Duh. Thats what I said too." It was the
voices in your head.
See your contradictions (new and quoted), Usekook.
I doubt that you can. You're almost always right and all that.
True. He might use EDLIN, which definitely requires at least 128MB.
True. I'd just walk out of the opening. Why do you always suggest
people do silly things? Opening bags using cow dung. Installing 128MB
to make notepad.exe faster. Buying 64MB of RAM to replace the working
64MB you already have. Telling people they should run Win2k on a
machine that can't even cache more than 64MB. You have a lot of issues.
What's next? You'll claim you're almost never wrong again?
With a grasp on reality like yours I think you should stop typing
what the voices in your head are telling you, Mr. Usekook.
Not quite, its also used for web browsing in the living room.
That last is completely mindless. The ONLY thing it lacks is caching
of ram above 64M and you aint established that the uses for which
that particular machine is put to will be significantly affected by
Makes a lot of sense to increase the ram so its more convenient to
use when that can be done cheaply, as it can since it takes simms.
You get no say on that. The OP has decided he'd like better
performance and he should get that fine by increasing the ram when
running 2K.
I never ever said that.
Or that.
That is precisely what I did, fool.
I never suggested that he should throw out the working ram unless it
happens to be different to what he can readily obtain for the extra
In your case, grossly incompetant. You cant even
manage to read and comprehend what is actually said.
And you clearly cant bullshit your way out of a wet paper bag.
Another pig ignorant lie.
Pathetic, really.
Didnt need to given that I never told him to remove it either.
Mindless silly stuff when its using virtual memory instead of physical
Just another of your pathetic little pig ignorant fantasys.
He's said he isnt interested in replacing the motherboard.
You get to like that or lump it.
No I didnt, you silly little pathological liar.
Just you, child.
I never ever mentioned notepad, you silly little pathological liar.
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
You'd have quoted it if I had. You didnt, even you realise you lied.
Dont need to, I know what I wrote.
It was the LAST bit of that that I had said, you silly little
pathological liar.
You dont know that he even uses any editor on that
system, you pathetic excuse for a bullshit artist.
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.